Eduard V. Patrakov, Viktor I. Panov
The possibility for applying the concept of “interference” to describe the area where the digital and pre-digital environment merge
Svetlana T. Posokhova, Anastasiya Ye. Kolpakova
The study of the relationship between the emotional component of family’s informational environment and adolescents’ disadaptive behaviour
Vladimir M. Rusalov, Natal'ya E. Volkova
Thinking abilities and cognitive-personality styles
Galina V. Ozhiganova
Creativity and moral capacities
Tat'yana S. Pilipenko
Self-acceptance phenomenon paradoxes
Lyudmila A. Khrisanfova
The contribution of the driving forces in a person to the structure of motives in males and females
Yelena V. Gartvik
The ratio of the mental and delinquent model of adolescent behaviour
Tatyana V. Kapustina, Anastasiya S. Elzesser, Ekaterina V. Kondrateva
Attitude towards disease and death in patients with drug addiction
Yelena V. Borisova, Dmitriy I. Kechil
Psychological barriers and restrictions that prevent professional psychologists’ development in their work (in terms of service psychologists of the FPS of Russia)
Yelena V. Volkova, Irina O. Kuvayeva
Differentiated conceptualisation of stress as a factor in coping behaviour: a cross-cultural approach
Oxana Yu. Odintsova
Pregnancy in the context of dyadic coping: a meta-analysis of foreign publications
Ol’ga V. Kirpichnik, Ol’ga A. Yekimchik
Values, coping and well-being of parents with children with genetic diseases: narratives content analysis
Tat’yana P. Opekina, Natal’ya S. Shipova
Family in lockdown: stress, risks and coping opportunities
Valeriy G. Tylets, Tat’yana M. Krasnyanskaya, Aleksandr V. Lyakhov
Repertory characteristics of role models of university students’ security
Viktoriya O. Zinchenko, Igor’ P. Manchenko
Methodological basis of future economists’ personality professional value
Sof’ya I. Yegorova, Andrey M. Savinov
Development and approbation of models of graphic art training for designers of light industry products
Lyubov’ N. Dukhanina
Children with disabilities: learning problems and conditions for quality education
Ol'ga V. Seleznyova, Natal'ya S. Kuznetsova
Development of a system of educational tasks for environmental training at a military higher education institution
Vera V. Chistyakova, Yelena G. Aryuhina, Tat’yana А. Zaytseva, E’lvira G. Mironova
Blended learning as a way to enhance extramural language teaching