Miroslav I. Yasin, Evgeniya S. Guseva
Study of relations between cognitive closure and locus of control
Irina V. Ponomareva, Elvina Z. Valeeva, Natalia V. Voronina
Study of the value sphere of migrants from Central Asia as a factor of socio-psychological adaptation
Laura T. Kagermazova, Zarema V. Masaeva
Features of the value-semantic sphere of personality in students prone to using psychoactive substances
Valery V. Golubev, Arina Al. Kiselkova
The phenomenon of online infidelity in dyadic relationships
Elena Sa. Smirnova, Valery S. Sekovanov, Larisa B. Rybina, Roman Al. Shchepin
Performing a multi-stage mathematical information task "Framing the Mandelbrot set of families of polynomials of the third degree and remarkable curves"
Natalya V. Starostina, Olga S. Petrischeva
The problem of developing competence in English academic writing at the master's level
Vladimir Iv. Kolesov, Elena P. Arkhipovskaya
Formation of the prestige of the teaching profession in the system of secondary vocational education
Natalya Y. Nalyotova, Natalia I. Makhankova
Activity and involvement of college students in extracurricular activities in order to develop social activity
Vera L. Sigova, Irina A. Kokina, Olga B. Pyankova
Extracurricular concert practice as a factor of personal and professional self-development of the future teacher-musician
Yana S. Suntsova
Resilience of men with different types of emotional attachment
Elena V. Goncharenko, Zurab Ya. Mikvabia, Svetlana B. Taisaeva, Sofiya N. Argun, Olga A. Murzova, Anna A. Dzhokua, Anna V. Rakitskaya
Psychological and ethological approach in the study of self-harming behavior