Lyubov’ N. Dukhanina
Russian “Znanie” (Knowledge) society, National Education Resources Fund
Children with disabilities: learning problems and conditions for quality education
Dukhanina L.N. Children with disabilities: learning problems and conditions for quality education. Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2020, vol. 26, № 3, pp. 154-163 (In Russ.). DOI 10.34216/1998-0817-2020-26-3-154-163
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/2073-1426-2020-26-3-154-163
УДК: 376
Publish date: 2020-08-01
Annotation: Based on the results of a theoretical review, the article identifies conditions that hinder the success of the integration of disabled children into society and significantly complicate adaptation to the implementation of inclusive education, in which Russian researchers include: lack of pedagogic knowledge and skills in parents whose children are disabled, accentuated personality traits of modern pedagogue (including pessimism, social introversion, tendency to reject innovation, rigidity). Based on the results of the all-Russia study in 2017, the results obtained regarding the conditions for obtaining a quality education by modern children with disabilities were analysed. These include the lack of available correctional institutions, special nutrition, the lack of appropriate specialists, and the lack of adapted educational programmes. Among the most in-demand opportunities in the education system, respondents named permanent tutors and children's inclusive camps.
Keywords: disabled children, state support, public opinion research, secondary education, additional education for schoolchildren
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Author's info: Lyubov’ N. Dukhanina, ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6389-3497, Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor, Honoured Worker of Public Education, Chairman of the All-Russia Public-Educational Organisation Russian“Znanie”(Knowledge) Society, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Education and Science of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, President of the Foundation“National Education Resources”, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: Duhanina@mail.ru