Vladimir Iv. Kolesov
Luga Institute (branch) Leningrad State University A.S. Pushkin
Elena P. Arkhipovskaya
Leningrad State University A.S. Pushkin
Formation of the prestige of the teaching profession in the system of secondary vocational education
Kolesov V.I., Arkhipovskaya E.P. Formation of the prestige of the teaching profession in the system of secondary vocational education. Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics, 2024, vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 87-93. https://doi.org/10.34216/2073-1426-2024-30-1-87-93
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/2073-1426-2024-30-1-87-93
УДК: 377
Publish date: 2024-03-01
Annotation: Secondary vocational education (SPE) occupies a significant position in the education system of the Russian Federation. In modern society, there is a need for multi-level education systems that can provide competent and competitive specialists in the labor market. As a result, getting a high-quality education becomes a clear and reasonable goal for both the younger generation and adults. The quality of education remains one of the key factors for the successful development of the country. Progress in various fields, such as technology, economics, informatization, education and society as a whole, directly depend on it. SPE plays an important role in the training of a skilled workforce that meets the needs of various sectors of the economy. It aims to provide students not only with professional knowledge and skills, but also with the formation of general cultural competencies. The importance of vocational education lies in the fact that it ensures the socio-economic mobility of the population, promotes the integration of graduates into society and increases their social status. However, the implementation of effective and high-quality vocational training for students of secondary vocational education is faced with a number of problems. Some of them include the need to update educational programs in accordance with modern requirements of the labor market, strengthening the practical component of training, improving the professional competence of the teaching staff, the introduction of information and educational technologies and the development of career guidance. Solving these problems requires the joint efforts of the State, the public, employers and professional educational institutions. Thus, the development of high-quality education in secondary education remains an urgent task affecting national development as a whole.
Keywords: the prestige of the teacher, the competence of the teacher, worldview, moral problems in society, information processes.
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Author's info: Vladimir Iv. Kolesov, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Candidate of Economics, Professor, Honored Worker of the Higher School of the Russian Federation, Honored Worker of Science and Education RAE, Academician RAE, Luga Institute (branch) Leningrad State University A.S. Pushkin, vi_kolesov@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5539-5853
Co-author's info: Elena P. Arkhipovskaya, Leningrad State University A.S. Pushkin, elkaarhipka@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7255-7815