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Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics. 2021. №4.
Citation link: Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics. 2021. №4. p. 328
Introduction by the Chief Editor
A.V. Reprintsev Traditions and experience of professional training of pedagogic personnel for the system of social upbringing of children and youth in the second half of the 20 th century: experience of comprehension and interpretation M.V. Shakurova, E.V. Panicheva, A.A. Reushenko Portraying pedagogic experience: Faculty of History-Pedagogy of Voronezh State Pedagogic Institute L.Il. Timonina, V.A. Kudinov, L.R. Uvarova Personnel training system as it used to be at the faculty of History and Pedagogy of Nekrasov Kostroma State Pedagogic Institute N.N. Prislonov Creative work that forms the personality of the future pedagogue S.I. Panchenko, O.V. Sheverdina If not you, then who!? O.D. Chugunova, S.V. Shepeleva Theoretical understanding and implementation of heritage of Kostroma University’s Historicopedagogic Faculty in a new reality T.A. Romm Preparing students for upbringing activity at higher education institution: vector for contemporary development L.V. Bayborodova Preparation of future teachers for organizational activities A.V. Voroncova, D.B. Vorontsov, O.N. Vishnevskaya, M.S. Petrova, M.A. Somkina, T.V. Sutyagina, S.S. Golitsina, A.A. Korsakova, M.V. Ershova The comprehensive methodology for diagnosing upbringing competences in future pedagogues
S.D. Polyakov Notes on the current state and prospects of the children’s social movement in Russia Z.I. Bichanina, I.V. Suslov Socialisation as a strategy in youth policy at Soviet and post-Soviet periods A.V. Malinovsky Upbringing potential of leadership in the modern children’s movement T.F. Asafova, E.V. Devyaterikova, A.D. Firago Subjective perception by adolescents of the educational environment “Eyasˮ (based on the materials of the pilot psychological and pedagogic research)
I.V. Plaksina Innovative pedagogic activity from the standpoint of the ecopsychological approach A.N. Loginova Pedagogic literacy as pupils’ modern educational result O.V. Selezneva Search for ways to realise the pedagogic potential of the military ecology course E.V. Patrakov Creating a questionnaire on transforming pedagogues’ labour behaviour in the digital information environment O.N. Vericheva, L.Yu. Kiprina Information educational technologies as a resource for successful socialisation of low-mobility categories of children and youth
M.V. Saporovskaya, O.A. Ekimchik, T.P. Opekina Close relationship: a theoretical survey of research and conceptualisation of the model Ye.A. Sergiyenko, Ye.A. Khlevnaya, T.S. Kiselyova, A.А. Nikitina, E.I. Osipenko Application of the EIT testing methodology for the measurement of emotional intelligence E.V. Tikhomirova, N.S. Shipova, A.G. Samohvalova Perception of potential adultery by spouses at different stages of the family life cycle V.V. Golubev, A.A. Osetrova, I.A. Umanskaya Men and women in and out of relationships view about microbetrayal phenomenon T.P. Opekina, N.S. Shipova Comprehensive analysis of the self-realisation phenomenon: the prospect of creating systemic model B.N. Korshikov Modern foreign studies of the phenomenon of successfulness N.S. Shipova, M.A. Krylova Social view of the resource phenomenon A.L. Chernyatiev, A.P. Lebedev Digital emotion analytics: a pilot study of human emotion recognition using mobile device sensors
T.N. Adeeva, I.V. Tikhonova Self-efficacy, reflection and resources of coping with stress: age-related features and determination E.A. Silina, T.L. Kryukova Gender inequality attitudes` impact on dyadic coping in close relationships E.G. Troshikhina, G.V. Navdushevich Assertiveness as a coping strategy and personal characteristic in adolescence I.V. Tikhonova, T.N. Adeeva Review of psychodiagnostic tools for the study of stress coping resources
O.V. Eremkina Diagnostic support of the formation of the communicative competency of future pedagogues in the process of solving professional tasks T.V. Sutyagina Development of soft competences of future pedagogues in educational activities L.А. Vacheyan, L.V. Zavertkina On the issue of the formation of pedagogues-defectologists’ professional qualities in the conditions of distance learning I.G. Kharisova Value-semantic model of formation of the successive results of pedagogue training M.V. Ekaterinina Features of the formation of educational motivation in future nurses, depending on different forms of training in a medical college E.A. Vatskel, V.A. Denishenko Peculiarities of forming pedagogic position in resident physicians E.V. Nikolaeva, V.V. Zotov, A.Ye. Popel Project activities in the ESP course in the context of students’ socio-professional self-determination at a non-linguistic university
L.N. Artemieva, N.A. Mukhamedyarova Features of pre-professional pedagogic training of schoolchildren on the basis of higher education institutions I.V. Lobashev, V.D. Lobashev Visualising information in the educational process S.V. Aranova, I.B. Ezhkova Formation of schoolchildren’s skills of visual representation of educational results O.E. Kadeeva, A.N. Belov, N.V. Repsh, S.A. Berseneva, K.Yu. Grevtsov Information and communication technologies in teaching Biology in the context of distance learning
A.A. Chistyakov What the lessons of the past teach in pedagogy of the children’s and youth movement
M.I. Berkovich Izrail’ Petrovich Shul’man – the legend of Kostroma university’s historical pedagogic faculty