Elena A. Bragina
Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I. Ulyanov
Liliya А. Belozerova
Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I. Ulyanov
Anna V. Romanova
Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I. Ulyanov
Coping-behavior of teachers with different professional experience
Bragina E.A., Belozerova L.A., Romanova A.V. Surname I.O. Coping-behavior of teachers with various professional experience. Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics, 2022, vol. 28, № 4, pp. 70-76. https://doi.org/10.34216/2073-1426-2022-28-4-70-76
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/2073-1426-2022-28-4-70-76
УДК: 159.9:37
Publish date: 2022-10-24
Annotation: Constructive strategies of coping behavior are the most important resource and mechanism for the prevention of the emotional burnout of teachers, the risk of which increases with increasing teaching experience. The authors point out that the results of scientific works aimed at studying coping strategies of teachers with different professional experience are ambiguous. The article provides a comparative analysis of the structure of coping behavior of teachers with professional experience up to 5 years, 6-15 years and more than 16 years. As research methods, the authors use the questionnaire “Coping behavior in stressful situationsˮ adapted by T.L. Kryukova and the questionnaire “Strategies for overcoming stressful situationsˮ by S. Hobfall. It is revealed that teachers with minimal and maximum professional experience have a number of similar features of coping behavior: a high level of coping focused on avoidance, the relationship between prosocial strategies and social distraction, as well as significant links between manipulative and asocial strategies. The structure of coping behavior of teachers with less than 5 years of experience is characterized by the lowest indicators of the use of problem-oriented coping, prosocial strategies and the index of constructiveness of coping in general. High rates of emotionally-oriented coping have been recorded among teachers with more than 16 years of experience. The authors note that with increasing length of service, the indicators of problem-oriented coping and prosocial coping strategies grow.
Keywords: coping strategies, subject teachers, experience of pedagogical activity, structure of coping behavior
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Author's info: Elena A. Bragina, Candidate of psychological sciences, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I. Ulyanov, Ulyanovsk, Russia, bragina24@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8833-0634
Co-author's info: Liliya А. Belozerova, Candidate of biological sciences, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I. Ulyanov, Ulyanovsk, Russia, bla-130880@yandex.ru, http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1334-9944
Co-author's info: Anna V. Romanova, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I. Ulyanov, Ulyanovsk, Russia, s.anya.romanova@mail.ru