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- Competency approach to the study of the second-order surface interface as the geometric location of points in space
- Zharov S.V., Margolina N.L., Medvedeva L.B. Competency approach to the study of the second-order surface interface as the geometric location of points in space. Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics, 2021, vol. 27, № 1, pp. 168-173 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.34216/2073-1426-2021-27-1-168-173
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/2073-1426-2021-27-1-168-173
- УДК: 378:51
- Publish date: 2021-02-26
- Annotation: The necessity of the formation of students' functional literacy as a competency approach to the training of future Mathematics teachers is substantiated on the example of studying of one of the topics of analytical geometry. It has been established that a prerequisite for the development of any competency prescribed in the standards of secondary education is the initial existence of a sufficiently new concept of functional literacy for a student of a certain level. The basic literacy comes down to the ability to read, write and express of one's thoughts correctly. Let us consider the issue of functional literacy from the point of view of the pedagogic specialty. Acquaintance with the well-known textbooks of analytic geometry allows us to say that 2nd order algebraic surfaces in Euclidean space are determined in most cases algebraically by means of equations. A constructive approach is also of use – surfaces are obtained by rotating 2nd degree curves around their symmetry axes and by deformation of the resulting surfaces by compression. The metric approach, as it used for 2nd order curves, is restricted only by the formulation of problems to find the certain locus of points in space. The exception is the article Dmitriy Perepyolkin which was published in 1936. In this paper the locus of points in space with the following characteristic property is studied – the ratio of the distance to a given point to the distance to a given straight line is constant. The strait line is assumed not to contain the point. The study is held out in pure geometrical manner – it is done using the method of sections and known loci of points on the surface. In the present article we study the locus of points in space defined by metric relation to a certain set of pairs of points, lines and planes. It is shown that any non-degenerate 2nd order surface can be considered as a certain locus of points of space and this interpretation is not unique.
- Keywords: competency approach, professional competency, functional literacy, mathematical literacy, analytical geometry, 2nd order surface, cross section method, locus of points, coordinate system, method of coordinates, metric connections
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