Elena A. Endovitskaya
Borisoglebsk Branch of Voronezh State University
Olga E. Ermakova
Borisoglebsk Branch of Voronezh State University
Forms and methods of formation of legal competency of teenagers and senior schoolchildren in the conditions of additional education
Endovitskaya E.A., Ermakova O.E. Forms and methods of formation of legal competency of teenagers and senior schoolchildren in the conditions of additional education. Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics, 2021, vol. 27, № 1, pp. 143-148 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.34216/2073-1426-2021-27-1-143-148
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/2073-1426-2021-27-1-143-148
УДК: 374
Publish date: 2021-02-26
Annotation: The article substantiates topicality of the prevention of illegal behaviour and the formation of legal competency in adolescence and high school age; we analyse the works of modern authors on this problem, on the basis of which the structure of legal competency is presented. The authors characterise the psychological characteristics of adolescents and teenagers, which must be taken into account when organising work on the formation of legal competency of children of this age, we consider the possibility of forming the legal competency of adolescents and teenagers by means of additional education. The use of active forms and methods of teaching is one of the conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the process of forming the legal competency of adolescents and senior schoolchildren in the system of additional education. The formation of legal competency of pupils in the conditions of additional education is defined as a purposeful process that includes cognitive, motivational-value and reflexive-activity stages. The forms and methods used in the implementation of the additional general education (general development) in the modified programme of the association “Themis” for pupils of adolescent and high school age are presented, their effectiveness in the work on the formation of legal competency of pupils in the conditions of additional education is shown.
Keywords: teenager, senior school pupil, legal education, legal competency, active teaching methods, social and legal experience
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Author's info: Elena A. Endovitskaya, Borisoglebsk Branch of Voronezh State University, Borisoglebsk, Russia, endovitskaya_e_a@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2038-7129
Co-author's info: Olga E. Ermakova, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Borisoglebsk Branch of Voronezh State University, Borisoglebsk, Russia, ermakova@bsk.vsu.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7441-9427