Lyubov’ N. Dukhanina
Russian “Znanie” society; National Education Resources Fund
Values and life priorities of Russian pupils
Dukhanina L.N. Values and life priorities of Russian pupils. Vestnik of Kostroma State University, 2020, vol. 26, № 2, pp. 20-28 (In Russ.). DOI 10.34216/1998-0817-2020-26-2-20-28
DOI: 10.34216/1998-0817-2020-26-2-20-28
УДК: 371:316.334
Publish date: 2020-04-22
Annotation: Based on the data from the All-Russia study in 2018, this article provides a detailed analysis of the values, life priorities of Russian schoolchildren, their preferences, professional and career expectations. It is shown that, in the opinion of Russian youth, it is decisive in choosing a profession, and that, in their opinion, can help in the future become the most successful. The data collected in the article allows us to evaluate the motivation for the participation of pupils in Olympiads in educational subjects and creative contests, as well as the degree of safety of the school space, the quality of education, the presence of aggression and bullying from classmates, pupils and pedagogues. In addition, the article assesses their political and patriotic moods, as well as the emerging political interests and the involvement of schoolchildren in social networks.
Keywords: schoolchildren’s values, motivation for learning, career choice, success, social networks, authorities, patriotism.
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Author's info: Lyubov’ N. Dukhanina, ORCID 0000-0002-6389-3497, Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor, Honoured Worker of Public Education, Chairman of the All-Russia Public-Educational Organisation Russian "Znanie" society, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Education and Science of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, President of the Foundation "National Education Resources", Moscow, Russia E-mail: Duhanina@mail.ru