Sergey V. Zhukovskiy
Independent researcher
Pedagogic support for professional adaptation of young officers: directions and conditions of organisation
Zhukovskiy S.V. Pedagogic support for professional adaptation of young officers: directions and conditions of organisation. Vestnik of Kostroma state University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics, 2020, vol. 26, № 1, pp. 168-173 (In Russ). DOI 10.34216/2073-1426-2020-26-1-168-173
DOI: 10.34216/2073-1426-2020-26-1-168-173
УДК: 355
Publish date: 2020-01-22
Annotation: The article deals with issues related to the study of the problem space of the phenomenon of "professional adaptation of young officers", the study of the possibilities of pedagogic support for military specialists in the adaptation process in the conditions of its organisation in the military unit. Topicality of this direction is determined by the high social significance of military work, the special nature of its organisation and implementation, which requires increasing the efficiency of the process and the result of professional adaptation of young military specialists who are able to quickly "enter" a new professional environment, updating their personal and professional competences and qualities necessary to ensure the success of professional activities in the military environment in the framework of the implementation of functions for official purpose in accordance with the requirements. Theoretical analysis of scientific works devoted to the problem of professional adaptation of the individual is carried out, the content and procedural characteristics of this phenomenon are determined, and its significance for increasing the efficiency of professional activity of military specialists is updated. On the basis of the conducted research, the spectrum of difficulties that arise in young officers during the adaptation period, located within the boundaries of the problem fields of service-organisational, psychophysiological, communicative, social and household components of professional work, is revealed. It is established that increasing the effectiveness of professional adaptation of young officers and minimising the difficulties that arise is possible with the use of mechanisms of pedagogic support of the individual in the adaptation process, implemented at various levels of management of the military unit with the involvement of its resource potential. A set of conditions aimed at providing pedagogic support to young officers during the adaptation period, which contribute to improving its effectiveness, is identified. The results of the study established that the organisation of systematic work on the pedagogic support of professional adaptation of young military specialists, implemented at various levels of military control in the framework of the indicated conditions is an important factor in achieving personal and professional success of young officers, their development in space military environment.
Keywords: young officer, military specialist, military environment, service activities, professional adaptation, adaptation process, military management, pedagogical support, conditions
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Author's info: Sergey V. Zhukovskiy, ORCID 0000-0003-4649-642X, Independent researcher, Saratov, Russia. E-mail: svzhukovskiy@gmail.ru