Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics. 2023. № 2.
Citation link: Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics. 2023. № 2. p.202
L.V. Bayborodova Principles of formation of spiritual and moral values in the process of studying academic subjects E.V. Ganina, V.Ed. Matveenko, N.M. Malugina Modern world educational models: foreign experience of educational management T.V. Beskrovnaya, M.V. Shakurova Transformation of the family image as a subject of upbringing in Soviet oral and pictorial culture (1917-1991) N.M. Ivanova, M.Yu. Kovalenko, L.An. Mednikova, O.Al. Pavlova Continuity in the formation of functional literacy of students (from preschool education to basic general education) A.A. Shapedko Determination of pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of the use of search activity as a means of social hardening of youth P.I. Dubensky Theoretical foundations of the formation of a responsible attitude of students to weapons
E.Ve. Volkova, V.Al. Moss Features of the organization of the concept Director at different stages of age development A.V. Rymina Motives for joining the fandom of female members of Asian romantic fan-cultures in the modern media space A.V. Pavlova Correction of the attitude to the family role and the child of parents in the conditions of preschool education
Ju.I. Leonova, M.A. Spizhenkova Human agency traits of university students with different coping styles A.A. Bekhter, A.N. Skoreva Relationship between time perspective and proactive coping behavior in future dialectologists
L.F. Fatikhova Behaviour of Adolescent Boys and Girls with Intact and Impaired Intellect Intellect (Based on Parents’ Assessment)
I.A. Smirnova, M.A. Skvortsova Theoretical approaches to the formation of educational independence in children of primary school age in a modern educational organization V.L. Soldatova, S.An. Sitnikov Presentation as art-oriented extra linguistic object for creating content basis and forming communicative motivation in connection with online foreign language communication teaching A.P. Gulov Olympiad movement as an alternative way to enter higher education institutions in the linguistic direction S.G. Zogol, A.I. Smolyar, A.G. Gokina, S.S. Kechaev The development of adolescents’ artistic perception in the children’s art school settings А.Ak. Rakhimov Computer simulation as one of the ways to increase the efficiency of training in higher mathematics in a technical university
V.E. Mikhailova, V.I. Gam Mechanisms for managing student competencies in developing vocational education T.Ig. Belova Diagnostic tools for assessing the formation of digital culture of future teachers R.F. Mirkhasanov, L.S. Sabitov, I.Ni. Garkin The process of creating creative products for students of architects and designers: integrative teaching methods E.E. Smirnova, N.A. Bredneva Model of formation of individual career paths of military university students under conditions of social uncertainty E.Ni. Ryadinskaya, V.Vy. Volobuev, E.Ni. Chabelets Features of adaptation of cadets of universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the conditions of official activity V.V. Chistyakova, G.N. Mezhetskaya Modelling motivating education environment to enhence teaching english to university students
A.N. Teslenko Pop culture as a weapon of psycho-mental war for youth