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Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics. 2022. № 3.
Citation link: Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics. 2022. № 3. p.190
O.E. Saveleva Emotional drill as a way to develop the ability to accept oneself and others without judgement N.V. Volot Family values development level in modern teenagers P.I. Dubensky Determination of pedagogic conditions for the formation of a responsible attitude to weapons in student youth L.V. Pluzhenskaya Commercial advertising as an axiological resource of upbringing activity E.S. Smirnova Ethnic identity and tolerance of foreign students in the multicultural environment of a military higher education institution
I.V. Kuznetsova, G.Yu. Burakova, T.L. Troshina, A.W. Gollay Interdisciplinary integration in teaching Mathematics as a means of forming pupils’ mathematical literacy A.S. Babenko, N.Lv. Margolina, T.N. Matytsina, K.Ev. Shiryaev The impact of changes in the Unified State Exam in Mathematics on the prospects of higher education M.G. Babenko, T.Yu. Khramova Specifics of teaching grammar aspect of second foreign language N.P. Pomortseva, V.V. Avdeeva Implementing the principles of bilingual education in the Republic of Tatarstan L.M. Kashapova, Ni Zhen About modelling the process of formation of vocal and performing culture of younger schoolchildren in Music lessons
M.M. Kashapov, N.V. Surina Teachingworkers’ resource-based thinking psychology Yu.А. Kubatina Features of the emotional and evaluative component of the professional identity of a practical psychologist of the educational system in the process of professional genesis E.V. Kostina Evaluation of conflict behaviour strategies of communicative tolerance in the system of staff turnover prevention T.A. Fassakhova, I.M. Dobrynin Interrelation of the level of satisfaction with appearance with value-semantic orientations and seif-attitude in the period of youth
U.Yu. Sevastyanova, N.S. Shipova Comparative analysis of the resources of adolescents with typical and impaired development
V.S. Sekovanov, S.F. Katerzhina, L.B. Rybina, I.V. Shaposhnikova Performing a multi-stage mathematical and informational task ‟Chaotic mappings” as a means of developing students’ creativity I.V. Serafimovich The potential of professional thinking among the students of socionomic group of profession I.V. Tolkacheva Modern challenges of medical education and their reflection in the curriculum S.F. Katerzhina, Y.A. Sobashko, E.A. Zbanov About the experience of using gamification in higher education on the example of teaching mathematical disciplines I.V. Popova, A.Al. Strausova, A.Al. Kiselev The ratio of external and internal factors of career choice in the motivational sphere of technical university students M.Yu. Krapivina Independent work of university students in learning a foreign language Yu.O. Shvetsova, K.V. Kashitskii Experimental study of heuristics in solving linguistic tasks by translation students
B.V. Kupriyanov, E.M. Karpova, M.A. Shevelev, S.A. Wozniak Regional history one socio-pedagogic innovation (school participatory budgeting in Khanty-Mansi autonomy in Russia)