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Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics. 2019. № 1.
Citation link: Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics. 2019. № 1. 276 p.
T.V. Masharova Management of educational activity of pupils on the basis of metaconcreteness A.U. Tratseŭskaya Upbringing pedagogue's professional skill as the main condition of upbringing process transformation T.N. Gushchina Study of the results of social development of gifted children I.Ye. Kuz'mina Comparative analysis of values in patriotic consciousness of St. Petersburg schoolchildren A.S. Rusina Pupils' electoral literacy pilot study results A.N. Teslenko Hip hop culture as means of sociocultural animation and youth work V.R. Kislov, A.I. Shchyogol’ Formation of emotional-volitional stability of military higher school students through the development of individual personal values A.P. Kaitov, A.N. Ganicheva Integration of interaction of subjects of preschool education as a factor of upbringing of children's safe behaviour culture A.A. Gagayev, P.A. Gagayev About faith and scepticism in upbringing of mind
A.A. Os'minina A review of appearance-based psychological problems` research K.N. Belogay Formation of positive body image in adolescent girls A.A. Buzina Implicit representations of emotional insult and emotional abuse and their differentiation S.A. Dyupina Features of cognitive style poles decomposition of field dependence / independence L.Yu. Komlik The relationship between the type of parental attitude and the formation of components of self-consciousness in children of preschool age O.N. Bakayeva The study of role-playing positions of gifted children aged 5-8 in the system of family relations T.P. Maralova Interrelation of normativity of behaviour with readiness to risk in internal affairs agencies' officials T.A. Markova The impact of disability on life orientation of the convicts serving the penalty of deprivation of liberty T.V. Zobnina Study of the relationship between the desire for self-actualisation and the ability to self-government of university students M.B. Pshenitsyna, V.V. Golubev Personality professional burnout features in pedagogues (in comparison with teachers and educators of district and regional centres)
N.Ye. Kharlamenkova Ego identity and its peculiarities in persons with a different level of post-traumatic stress I.A. Umanskaya, Ye.V. Tikhomirova, P.I. Kamenskiy Self-efficacy and coping behaviour of pupils of the cadet corps
T.V. Ledovskaya, N.E. Solynin, A.M. Khodyrev The comparative characteristic of values of students during crisis of identity at different levels of pedagogue training N.V. Galushko Diagnostics of the development of technical and technological competency of future engineers and pedagogues in the process of professional training L.L. Red'ko, Ye.S. Slyusaryova Potential of network interaction between a pedagogic institute and public organisations in training specialists for working with people suffering from complex developmental disabilities E.V. Serdyukov Pedagogic conditions for development of professionally significant qualities in future public service specialists R.A. Kuznetsov On the problem of formation of value-meaning attitude to military service in students of the military higher education institution of the Russian National Guard M.S. Biryukova The system of continuous professional education of staff of bodies of internal affairs on the basis of competency approach O.Ya. Reyma Pedagogic conditions of the process of national-patriotic upbringing of students by means of Russian folklore in the extracurricular activities of a higher education institution A.N. Smirnov, N.A. Smirnov Features of students' independent work organisation when attending university I.A. Smirnova Organising foreign students' independent work in a higher education institution Ye.A. Stepura On the problem of the educational information memorising by students I.Yu. Filatova Adaptive abilities features of the first year students – future teachers with different levels of development of social intelligence
I.V. Akimova, Ye.I. Titova Visualisation as a means of effective formation of mathematical knowledge among students of technical higher education institutions Ye.A. Vidanova The illustration as a means of developing creative thinking of future pedagogues of art Ye.V. Zimina A student as a university tutor in teacher training T.T. Karasheva On the principle of continuity in the study of oscillatory motion in the physics and theoretical mechanics courses N.S. Kuznetsova Automation of interpolation of experimental data in the Mathcad program as a means of formation of students ' competences in the performance of final qualifying work T.A. Parshutkina Constructivism theories and methods laid in the development of the contextual approach to learning foreign languages O.Ye. Savel'yeva Teaching rules of degrees of comparison of English adjectives to schoolchildren on the basis of comparative approach N.Yu. Shepeleva Methods of teaching of English language to foreign students in mixed groups, where foreign students study O.A. Maksimova, N.V. Mityushina The role of home reading in the formation of skills and skills of foreign language speech in English lessons Ye.A. Polyakov Design and results of the use in the educational process of the virtual laboratory "Life Safety" in the preparation of Bachelors
O.A. Dan'ko, D.V. Yenygin, V.O. Midova, Ye.T. Minasyan Dialogue of cultures as a principle of modernisation of professional foreign language training of future economists I.V. Yablochkina, Yu.N. Buzina, Ye.P. Alasaniya Interactive teaching methods used in the process of mastering intercultural communication skills in a foreign language in non-linguistic Universities D.Kh. Godina, I.K. Kardovich, Ye.V. Korobova, I.I. Yaroslavskaya Methodological aspects of a project method in teaching a foreign language in an economic University D.A. Mironova, Ye.V. Korobova, I.K. Kardovich Pedagogic aspects of using the INFOCOMM technologies in teaching foreign languages in higher education N.A. Kalashnikova E-environment as a precondition for vocational training M.V. Bernatskaya, O.A. Muratova The influence of digital economy on the language-learning process at economic universities Yu.S. Sizova, Ye.A. Lavrent'yeva Revisiting the activities with authentic scientific articles texts in the English for Specific Purposes classroom of a non-linguistic University M.V. Zarudnaya, Ye.V. Korobova, I.K. Kardovich The problem of independent assessment of academic progress in a foreign language
Yu.A. Prokopchuk, Yu.M. Bosenko, A.S. Raspopova, N.N. Peshkov, V.A. Chernyshov, Ye.V. Fechina Prerequisites of formation of physical culture and sports activity of children of secondary school age
Ye.Yu. Yevdokimova Objective reasons and prerequisites for appealing of Soviet pedagogy to the civic upbringing idea in the period of the 1950s–1960s A.G. Kirpichnik Scientific school of psychology at Kostroma State University: the initial stage (1970–1980)