Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics. 2018. № 4.
Citation link: Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics. 2018. № 3. 328 p.
N.A. Baranchuk, G.F. Utrobin On the ambiguity of the concept of «education» A.D. Chekhonin Integrative-synthetic approach in the structure of methodological culture of the pedagogue on the example of the study of the fatherhood phenomenology A.V. Tratsevskaya Author’s upbringing system: creation, functioning, management T.Yu. Selikhova The structural functional model of the process of designing an instructional space for teachers in secondary schools Ye.V. Tikhomirova, A.G. Samokhvalova Potentials of information resources in the upbringing of the modern generation I.N. Grushetskaya, Zh.A. Zakharova, O.S. Shcherbinina Features of social and pedagogic work with gifted children in educational organisations of various types V.V. Sokhranov-Preobrazhenskiy, S.U. Zaytuyeva Semantic interaction as a factor of development of risk group personality readiness for moral self-organisation A.A. Talykh, V.D. Lobashyov Trends and scientific approaches to the process of continuous ethno-cultural and technological education
A.Yu. Kalugin The contribution of multi-level properties of individuality in the orientation of personality on the spheres of human activity G.V. Ozhiganova Reflexion, reflexivity and higher reflexive abilities: research approaches T.L. Kryukova, O.A. Yekimchik, Yu.A. Khokhlova, O.V. Kirpichnik Cognitive distortions phenomenon in the evaluation of well-being (a primary Russian adaptation of Cognitive Distortions Scale – CDS) M.V. Saporovskaya Emotional burnout and psychological well-being in women at family Ye.V. Tikhomirova, A.A. Malanina Peculiarities of social looking the modes of life in women I.I. Drozdova Ideas about the assessment of the appearance of friends and parents as factors of satisfaction and concern in their early youth Ye.V. Dyatlova, M.V. Mihina Visual images of the internet users: from a picture to an avatar Ye.G. Budrina, M.A. Kuznetsova Dependence of cognitive style narrow vs wide range of equivalence with academic achievements in primary school pupils and in younger adolescents V.Ye. Kupchenko Self-control, aggression, impulsiveness of adolescents with different suicide risk O.V. Arzumanyan Schoolchildren’s perceptions of health and illness: a psychological analysis O.A. Sychyov Social worldviews and their structure: the review of studies I.V. Serafimovich, G.Yu. Bazanova Systems of values and metacognitive aspects of professional mentality of students of socionomy type of vocations T.V. Slоtina, O.B. Kononova Behavioural and gender peculiarities of students of technical specialties with different levels of Machiavellianism A.V. Moiseyev The empirical study of images of the bribetaker and the briber in the awareness of students psychologists of service activity PSYCHOLOGY OF ORGANISATION I.G. Moiseyeva, A.A. Brylyova Features of the emotional state of employees of the oil and gas industry under the influence of the matic messages in the mass media A.I. Troyanskaya Organisational culture characteristics as components of innovative potential of the Udmurt Republic enterprises S.A. Peredel’skaya The features of organisational culture of school promoting professional longevity of teachers Yu.Yu. Chechurova Social responsibility as a component of professional activity of the subject of work Ye.S. Rebrilova The review of psychodiagnostic methods of research of the psychological contract of subjects of work
I.O. Kuvayeva Correlation between concept of stress and coping strategies among call-centre’s workers U.Yu. Sevast’yanova Dyadic coping of «special» pairs: a theoretical analysis of modern sources, research
S.N. Gamova, I.V. Faustova, O.N. Bakayeva Peculiarities of regional training of pedagogues for work on strengthening emotional health of children of senior preschool age Yu.V. Salamatina Using the method of social projects in the forming the empathetic culture of future teachers N.V. Nechayeva, M.M. Stepanova, S.Yu. Svetova Modern requirements for translator and interpreter trainer: view of students, university management and representatives of translation companies A.A. Sidorov The graphic content of professional competencies for engineering specialties N.V. Agafonkina Some aspects of professional development programmes for expert builders A.N. Karchakin Theoretico-methodological approaches to future officers’ socialisation problems V.R. Kislov Features of emotional and volitional stability of cadets of higher military educational institutions Ye.S. Nazarov Theoretico-methodological bases ofdevelopment of the electronic educational medium of a military higher education institution V.A. Fokin Students’ social upbringing in terms of social networks’ resources use in a higher educational institution
T.V. Masharova, A.A. Pivovarov Project and research activities in extracurricular activities as effective ways of forming meta-subject results studying I.Ye. Malova, N.G. Korshunova Evidence in the topic «Quadrangles» and their use for implementing modern requirements to the results of teaching mathematics A.G. Rogachevskiy Organisation and methodology of conducting preparatory classes in higher mathematics for first year students of technical universities M.L. Zhulyabina About students training for practical work with a choir on the class of choral conducting M.A. Somkina Organisational and methodological support of students in the process of teaching practice on the bases of suburban children’s centres L.P. Didenko Interaction with employers in issues of organisation of pedagogic practice of students of a pedagogic college as a condition for the implementation of the competency approach
I.V. Tikhonova, T.N. Adeyeva Kostroma Regional experience of activity model development for close support psychologists who specialise in students with limited opportunities of health N.V. Skorobogatova, A.A. Veber Research of prerequisites for dyslexia in senoir preschool children with health limited opportunities using biofeedback technologies I.V. Tikhonova Children’s mental health and relationship with parents: interrelations and assessment of age changes S.A. Khazova, B.N. Korshikov Personal determinants of life satisfaction of young people with disabilities N.S. Shipova Application of the methodology “QUALITY OF LIFE (WHOQOL) - BREF” in the study of persons with disabilities
T.V. Trukhachyova Aftereffect. Public life medium of children and teenagers and Russian schoolchildren movement V.A. Kudinov Children and the children’s movement, schoolchildren of Lugansk in the conditions of uncertainty
Yu.M. Bosenko, I.V. Kharitonova, A.S. Raspopova, Zh.A. Stoyanova Gender peculiarities of personal characteristics of athletes engaged in weightlifting A.S. Raspopova, Yu.M. Bosenko Valuable course orientations as a resource of their competitiveness
A.G. Samokhvalova, M. Metz, O.B. Skryabina Cross-cultural differences of communicative difficulties of Russian and German adolescents A.G. Faustova, Ye.V. Klimova The cross-cultural study of characteristics of victim behaviour in students
O.O. Soboleva Pilot schools and their activities in the process of formation of the soviet education I.V. Aryabkina, O.V. Kapranova Some aspects of the formation of professional music pedagogy in Chuvashia
O.N. Vericheva, M.A. Smirnov Volunteering as a technology of social and pedagogic support of young disabled people M.S. Petrova, Yu.V. Rumyantsev Discourse on the issues of pedagogic staff training in the Forum in Kostroma