Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics. 2018. № 3.
Citation link: Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics. 2018. № 3. 272 p.
A.V. Vorontsova Pedagogic maintenance of an integrative subject of activity within implementation of Upbringing development strategy in the Russian Federation A.Kh. Akhmed'yanova Pedagogic potential of cross-cultural school education in the process of formation of national-regional education L.V. Bayborodova, T.V. Lushnikova Ensuring availability of additional education of rural school pupils as problem of pedagogic science L.Ye. Khaludorova Ecologisation of the content of additional professional education as an actual problem N.S. Kuzina The results of skilled-experimental work on the development of the school class as a factor in the upbringing of senior adolescents T.V. Pushkaryova, Ye.M. Sosnovskaya Topical issues of diagnostics of competitiveness of high school pupils
E.V. Volkova, T.A. Dudnikova Peculiarities of the life productive mechanisms in people with different types of individuality G.V. Ozhiganova Higher moral and creative capacities and productive life activity in the learning process V.S. Merenkova Specificity of creativity of adolescents with different profiles of lateral organisation of the brain M.I. Yanovskiy Influence of colour on the appearance of set effects S.A. Kornev, V.V. Smirnov Meaning of life and fear of death in terms of subject-object approach Ye.V. Kuftyak, O.V. Magdenko, O.V. Uymanova, Ye.V. Chistyakova Mental health of primary school children: the role of attachment I.V. Sushkova, O.N. Loshkaryova Diagnosis of social intelligence of children aged 6-7: content and results A.G. Samokhvalova, G.M. Avanesyan, E.V. Asriyan Intercultural distinctions of communicative difficulties of Russian and Armenian teenagers O.V. Konovalova, Ye.A. Shereshkova, A.D. Begichev The study of memory for personalised information of students – psychologists A.M. Pervitskaya Professional burning out of additional education pedagogues I.A. Eremitskаyа Peculiarities of students’ self-organisation of full-time and postal tuition at higher school I.V. Popova Russian Unified State Exam as a socio-psychological trauma D.S. Minyukova Psychological support of the service of the staff of the Research Institute of the penitentiary system of Russia as one of the factors of increasing the level of professional responsibility
Ye.V. Kuftyak Trauma of social nature: stress, challenges and coping U.Yu. Sevast'yanova, Ye.V. Kuftyak, A.K. Rysina, K.A. Ponomaryova Research of psychological defence and coping behaviour at children's age (gender and age aspect)
O.L. Churasheva Formation of professional competency of students: psychological, pedagogic and organisational aspects I.Yu. Tarkhanova Formation of students' universal competences by means of university environment O.Ye. Yankina Features of projecting upbringing programmes in the system of professional training of future teacher O.A. Lyubchenko, A.N. Ganicheva, A.P. Kaitov To the question about the development of co-working by environment in the modern university A.S. Klimova Pedagogic conditions of individual educational path designing by post graduators in a technical university D.O. Markov Social-psychological adaptation of students at the higher levels of continuing education (theoretical analysis) L.I. Antropova, T.Yu. Zalavina, N.V. Dyorina Development peculiarities of students’ professional foreign competency: cognitive-emotional component of research T.V. Cherepanova Stages and factors of professional identification of students-journalists Z.V. Glebova Activities of the centre of support of young professionals in the system of scientific and methodological support of beginning pedagogues
I.V. Zuyeva, S.Kh. Argoshokova, M.Ye. Mikayelyan Innovative strategies of the student’s project training in the virtual educational environment Ye.A. Polyakov "Mathematics – express course", experience of applying blended learning in higher education A.A. Sidorov Differential evaluation and knowledge content of students in "Descriptive geometry" subject I.Ye. Abramova, Ye.P. Shishmolina Forming professional communicative competences of non-linguistic students: language competitions technique L.V. Yefremenko The study of bilingualism at the present stage and characteristics of children's bilingualism K.G. Chiknaverova Analysis of errors at the introductory course of legal English at a university A.D. Goreva Scientific interpretation of the concept of "empathy" in modern Russian and foreign literature
T.N. Adeyeva, I.V. Tikhonova Some aspects of socio-cultural determination of subjective well-being of persons with disabilities K.S. Loginova Diagnosis of temporary representations in preschool children with cerebral palsy V.A. Groshenkova Theoretical-methodological bases of correction of coherent speech of younger schoolchildren with serious infringements of speech T.V. Gudina Role-playing game with plot as a development tool of mentally retarded younger schoolchildren
I.I. Taran, V.V. Kolomenskaya, Ye.V. Anisimova Satisfaction with work as a factor of emotional burnout in sports pedagogues Ye.G. Nikolayeva Model of physical culture and sports upbringing of staff of correctional facilities of the penal correction system
Ye.А. Lesina Technology of work of support specialists with blood foster families
N.V. Nizhegorodtseva History and methodology of the problem of readiness for learning: a descriptive stage of research V.K. Vittenbek, M.V. Bryantseva Training of primary school teachers in Russia: historical and pedagogic aspect L.N. Danilova School reforms movement i n the early 20th century in Germany
V.V. Chekmaryov Education and national security (notes from the general meeting of members of Russian Academy of Education)
V.V. Chekmaryov Of rhythms of V. V. Laptev's fate, or Living in all conscience, struggling and winning (for 70th birthday of Vladimir Valentinovich Laptev)