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Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics. 2018. № 2.
Citation link: Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics. 2018. № 3. 240 p.
A.V. Vorontsova, A.G. Samokhvalova Approaches to understanding the pedagogic support of Upbringing development strategy in the Russian Federation M.Yu. Shonin Didactic orientation of signs of cognitive activity O.S. Shcherbinina Features of relations between gifted students and the micro-societas in modern educational conditions
V.A. Mazilov Integration in psychology: methodological aspects A.V. Zobkov The problem of unity of attitude and self-regulation of activity N.F. Golovanova, I.B. Dermanova The self-development in the structure of the psycho-emotional well-being of teenagers N.A. Nikolayeva, D.V. Bobrova Characteristics and features of envy at the stage of maturation V.A. Zobkov A person's self-confidence in the situations of decision-making T.E. Sizikova Modal-differential approach in psychodiagnostics of reflection A.N. Gryaznov, M.L. Fatina Tendency to psychological violence in the educational environment: the theoretical and empirical analysis of the defining factors Ye.F. Serdyukova The techniques of manipulative influence in the information materials of extremist orientation, distributed on the Internet V.F. Yengalychev, Ye.V. Leonova, O.A. Kuklina, A.Yu. Leont’yev Nonverbal indicators of lie in persons with different constitutional traits type T.A. Markova Study of life orientation and life satisfaction of persons with disabilities serving a sentence of imprisonment M.A. Pol’shina Socio-psychological adaptation as a factor of psychological security of adolescents-orphans in the societas
Ye.M. Korolyova, T.L. Kryukova Dyadic coping research: its role in enhancing marital relationships and psychological well-being N.E. Volkova Variability of coping strategies in boys and girls at different levels of hardiness Ye.A. Shereshkova, O.V. Konovalova, Yu.M. Yedikhanova Role of self-actualisation potential in coping with difficulties in future pedagogues
I.N. Gar’kin Management of high school: division for employment graduates and students M.P. Barbolin The conceptual model of innovative intellectual-creating higher education M.S. Biryukova Quality of continuous professional education of employees of the internal affairs bodies S.V. Boyko, A.V. Pod’’yachev Common problems of teaching engineering disciplines for bachelors of mechanical and technological specialties G.A. Kruchinina, N.V. Onegova Modelling the process of forming competency in the field of life safety in future agroengineers in the university using the means of information and communication technologies Ye.I. Titova Formation of competences through the solution of problems of mathematical modelling for students of the direction Technology of transport processes A.A. Prokhorova Multidimensional components in the structure of future engineers’ multilingual competence A.V. Zorina, M.R. Shaymardanova The role of multicultural education in the formation of ethnic tolerance among university students (on the example of a foreign language) D.V. Kuzina Orientation of pedagogic college students to harmonious interaction with subjects of education in the context of the formation their pedagogic culture A.V. Sazhin The formation of financial and economic literacy of students in teaching at institutions of secondary professional education N.V. Shisharina Technology development of an innovative project in education
A.S. Babenko, Ye.S. Smirnova, A.Ye. Troskina, K.Ye. Shiryayev About linear functions and connected contradictions A.S. Babenko, K.Yu. Strunkina Application of the project method for studying a probable-statistical line in school V.S. Sekovanov, T.N. Matytsina, A.A. Piguzov Implementation of the multi-stage mathematical-information project "Mathematical foundations of synergetics" as a means of forming the creativity of university students N.N. Gareyeva Features of metasubject results in the course of training in mathematics and means of their diagnostics N.K. Dmitriyeva Academic writing skills development in postgraduate students in technical universities in the process of professionally-oriented foreign language teaching Ye.A. Ivanova Strategies for solving analytical-synthetic difficulties in mastering foreign-language listening skills O.Ye. Savel’yeva Specifics of teaching schoolchildren English compound sentences with coordinate conjunctions "and", "but" and "or" Yu.S. Sizova, N.G. Belyayeva Authentic materials use for students' oral skills development: "noticing" method in linguistic activity Ya.A. Begunova The usage of video materials as aids for teaching foreign languages L.V. Yarkina, Yu.A. Savitskaya Formation of preschooler’ view of the world
S.A. Khazova, M.N. Mayorova The development of emotional-volitional sphere of children with mental retardation in musical and rhythmic classes Ye.V. Chukhachyova The formation of professional competences of future speech therapists in the modelling process, monologic speech of preschool children
A.V. Kuz’min Formation of abilities and skills on condition of occupations by physical culture once a week Yu.S. Kuchina The diary of introspection as an instrument of maintenance of independent sports and improving activity of students with the weakened health
K.V. Ladchenko Foreign experience of organising children's summer colonies in the second half of the 19th—the early 20th centuries
O.B. Skryabina, M.V. Metz, A.G. Samokhvalova The communicative difficulties of children and adolescents in the process of intercultural communication: review of European studies