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Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics. 2017. № 1
Citation link: Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics. 2017. № 3. 246 p.
N.Yu. Sinyagina Polycultural challenges time: what to learn and where V.P. Zhukovskiy, N.A. Zhukovskaya The development of professional competency of pedagogue in the system of professional development P.V. Men’shikov Effective model of education communication according the teacher’s notions N.S. Kuznetsova, I.V. Boldakova The collective way of learning – learning through communication I.I. Novikova Educational research as one of the conditions of formation of communicative competency A.A. Vesnin Conception of friction in the context of distanced education N.V. Shisharina Methodological issues in the study of innovation in upbringing A.S. Babenko, N.L. Margolina, T.N. Matytsina Dynamics of the unified state examination in mathematics for 2014—16 Kostroma Region
L.N. Babintseva Features of interrelation of the socio-psychological self-regulation and the conscious self-regulation components of students majoring in psychology A.V. Gurov, V.M. Miniyarov The results of the study of mental States of students, due to intrapersonal conflict N.A. Koryagina, T.A. Terent’yeva Organising students’ independent work on the completion of tasks (in terms of Higher School of Economy in Moscow) I.G. Samoylova, V.S. Matveyeva Representations of the conscience in young people with different level of life meaning I.V. Popova, V.A. Karavayeva, K.G. Khrabrova An interdisciplinary approach to the study of the phenomenon of love, as a factor of influence on the institution of family and marriage T.V. Zobnina, N.V. Motorina The manifestation of a parental attitude consisting in the peculiarities of emotional interaction between mothers and their toddlers A.K. Lyamina Specification and composition of communicative abilities in teenagers of heterogeneous group O.S. Ionina Dance movement therapy as a method of development a positive self-image of a teenager V.I. Paliy, V.A. Sokhlikova Experimental analysis of divergence of the self-esteem and level of highly qualificated athletes Z.V. Rumyantseva Productive competency of the pedagogue of music: the nature and specificity of acmeological development A.V. Khozyasheva, I.A. Porohina, N.N. Simonova Personal determinants of the expedition activity’s effectiveness of members of the expedition Arctic Floating University T.O. Tyulyubayeva, Ya.A. Korneyeva, N.N. Simonova Psychological safety of oil and gas workers of different professional groups at the shift work organisation in the Arctic S.Novozhilova, Ye.V. Ignatova, S.I. Avdeyeva The competitive loadings assessment of volleyball players B.V. Aleksandrov, I.A. Kuznetsova Socio-psychological characteristics of convicted prisoners, manifesting a positive attitude to work in penal colonies
T.L. Kryukova, M.V. Saporovskaya, S.A. Khazova Сontemporary man`s personal coping and lifestyle A.V. Ivanitskiy Personal psychological help in difficult situations M.A. Pol’shina, A.D. Nasibullina Orphan adolescents’ psychological protection and coping behaviour in conflict situation A.V. Krylova, V.M. Krylov Features of overcoming of conduct the students of rural and urban schools at the initial stage of education at the university
L.A. Chernykh Humanisation of higher school as a condition of formation of communicative culture of students Ye.D. Gryznova Questions of a research of ecological function of the higher education M.S. Biryukova Social pedagogues’ self-development technology in the continuous professional education system V.D. Lobashyov, A.A. Talykh Elements of qualimetry in the field of ethno-cultural education N.L. Margolina, T.N. Matytsina, K.Ye. Shiryaev Stages of Mathematics education in high school I.A. Smirnova Peculiarities of students’ free work when preparing to auditory classes M.A. Gafarova Skills of work with the text as an expression of reader competency of future primary school teachers
O.R. Lagutina Development of the child’s knowledge of space Yu.O. Slyota Stages of formation in the basic school pupils the ability to analyse the condition of planimetric problem Ye.I. Barabanova Transference of foreign texts as a modern approach of students’ cognitive activity in foreign language training S.A. Smirnova Creating and using mind maps as an effective tool when learning a foreign language in high school M.A. Lyutaeva, Ye.S. Ul’yanova The role of communicative situations in teaching receptive listening skills Ye.A. Makarova Educating students about nonverbal aspects of communicative behaviour in the dialogue in French Ye.G. Kuznetsova Study prepositions in Russian as a foreign language M.A. Abdullayeva Psycholinguistic bases of interfering influence of native (Tajik) language in teaching English grammar T.V. Antonova Teaching writing to ESL students
Ye.V. Provorova, А.V. Provorov, S.L. Rykov Activisation of social requirements of educational organisations students in a small town A.N. Smolonskaya, V.I. Kolesov The formation of the children’s life competences through the assertive behaviour Ye.V. Aleksandrova Choir as a form of social and aesthetic education of students Ye.A. Yevseyeva Features of formation of university students’ social mobility
T.V. Gudina An inclusive approach to the socio-cultural rehabilitation of children and young people with limited possibilities of health N.S. Shipova Psychological support for children with disabilities at the lessons of adaptive physical education
T.V. Trukhachyova Transformations of organization of children’s public life
O.A. Koryakovtseva, T.V. Makeyeva Civil society and military and social sphere of modern Russia: prospects of partnership
N.F. Basov The world festivals of the democratic youth: the past and the present V.Yu. Pivnenko Films about senior schoolchildren as reflection of the 1970s Soviet upbringing M.V. Stepanova Formation and development of the institution of Sunday schools in Russia M.M. Gasanov Lines of traditional Caucasus mountaineers’ upbringing and modern values
A.S. Danilova Religious studies at public boarding schools of Great Britain as the most traditional form of upbringing I.I. Semyonova The content of the professional training of tourism personnel in Turkey (Bachelor degree) D.Y. Tishchenko Formation of the curriculum system in pedagogic universities in China