Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics. 2016. № 4.
Citation link: Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics. 2016. № 4. 358 p.
G.N. Skudaryova Modern ideas about public participation in Russian education A.A. Turygin On the issue of methodologies in social-cultural sciences N.V. Altynikova, G.S. Chesnokova The role of innovative activity of a teacher in the development of professional experience Ye.М. Tishina Algorithm and implementation of the forms of training T.Yu. Bol’shakova, I.V. Popova The space of joint activity of teacher and students as a means of formation of subjective position of a person L.Ye. Khaludorova On the question of the inclusion of the environmental component in the professional competence of the pedagogue A.S. Babenko, N.L. Margolina, T.N. Matytsina Analysis of tasks of the unified state examination in Maths for 2016 in Kostroma Region
V.A. Mazilov Conceptual confusion: Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein on some methodological problems of modern psychology V.A. Mazilov, Yu.N. Slepko Human activity psychology: a new interpretation O.V. Kurysheva Psychological analysis of the age self-schemas Yu.V. Bykhovets, N.N. Kazymova Implicit representations and psychological profiles of life threatening situations T.S. Voytekhovich, N.N. Simonova The category of «personal resource» in a study of human activities in extreme working conditions Yu.V. Obukhova, S.G. Obukhova Influence of valuable orientations to components of self-realisation of representatives of bionomic professions I.B. Sheburakov About an urgency of the formation of effective teams in the implementation of project management in the public sphere Ye.V. Chernyshyova, T.Yu. Bobleva The specificity of the information impact on law enforcement officers T.V. Razina, A.V. Shchyogoleva The relationship between psychological age and motivation of labour activity in the medical and teaching staff M.L. Zhulyabina Some psychological aspects of the conductor’s craft V.V. Spasennikov, G.F. Golubeva Socio-psychological characteristics of the use of modern technology in election campaigns N.Ye. Korolyova, A.N. Pastukhova Culture-determined advertising features O.Ye. Kuznetsova Features of perception of modern fairytale films by an adult audience Ye.P. Nepochatykh The dynamics of the intercultural competence of university students of different ethnic and cultural directedness O.A. Draganova Formation of schoolchildren’s psychological health as the main direction of psychological and pedagogic support of participants of educational process L.S. Rusanova The impact of family relationships on the child’s speech development Ye.A. Kol’tsova The level of psychological well-being mothers whose children have epilepsy diagnosis L.A. Khrisanfova, O.M. Sergeyeva, I.A. Sibiryakova, A.V. Orlov, L.B. Bronfman Comparative analysis of appraisals of person’s individually psychological peculiarities obtained by different ways Ye.V. Kuftyak Adaptation questionnaire study resilience factors
T.P. Grigorova Students` family representations as a life scenario and coping with its difficulties Yu.A. Saprykina The relationship approach to difficult professional situations and professional demographic characteristics among specialists of the insurance industry N.Ye. Kharlamenkova, S.A. Vorontsov Life-threatening disease and its long-term psychological effects T.I. Mironova, N.P. Fetiskin Latent stressogeneity factors and psychological defences mechanism in children with somatic development’s deviations
N.V. Gerashchenko Formation of student’s professional competency in process of getting in higher school A.V. Davydov On the question of development of professional competences of teachers of new conditions of informatisation of education Yu.B. Oleneva Creating individual studying routes for college students N.I. Zavodchikova, U.V. Plyasunova, M.A. Suvorova Organisation of a self-study activity for the full-time students using the Moodle learning management system A.A. Khusainova Systemic-action formation of readiness of students of pedagogic higher education institution for professional-pedagogic interaction with students M.Yu. Biryukov Methods and forms of teaching and educational work aiming to form the artistic taste of the students of artistic specialties M.A. Reprintsev Potential project activities in vocational training of designers: competency approach V.O. Zinchenko Monitoring of quality of educational process in a higher educational institution: results of experiment А.A. Tоkmаn Criteria for effectiveness of education quality management of higher educational establishments Yu.Yu. Lykho Problems of forecasting of development of system of continuous education Ye.Ya. Serdyukova Improving the practical training of future engineering pedagogues in the conditions of continuous education
N.N. Kaznacheyeva The development of value orientations of personality in the study of literature in the information socialisation A.B. Alyoshina Creative tasks at the stage of introduction and semantisation of new vocabulary in teaching speaking A.S. Babenko Didactic model for the development of creative future Bachelor of mathematics of a higher education institution when studying nonlinear dynamical systems S.F. Katerzhina, Yu.A. Sobashko, T.A. Chebun’kina Using modern mobile devices for teaching mathematics in higher education for activation of students’ independent work L.V. Zhovtan Realisation of succession of school and higher educational institution in the process of decision of geometrical tasks T.D. Tsvetkova Methodological approaches of education individualisation when studying Maths learning from one’s own mistakes V.S. Sekovanov, A.S. Fateyev, Z.V. Dorokhova Carrying out the multistep mathemetical-informational task “nonlinear mapping attractors-tracing algorithms” as means of students’ creativity formation Ye.S. Smirnova Methodical features of introducing the concept of «fractal» O.I. Yefremova Pedagogic conditions for effective training of foreign language teachers for using game technologies in professional field N.V. Sidakova The didactic bases of the professionally oriented french language training of law students
I.S. Sukhorukov Problems of ethnic and cultural identity of youth formation in the reflection of educational sociology: empirical studies Ye.V. Kiselyova Relational resources of psychological safety at an educational setting L.V. Zhezhel’ Value-oriented upbringing of students of military higher education institution: the experience of empirical research of the valuable impact of the educational environment A.I. Shchyogol’ The model of formation of valuable orientations of servicemen in the course of additional education S.I. Smolonskiy The formation of the valuable attitude to social reality in primary school children which are experiencing self-doubt M.A. Skvortsova Pedagogic maintenance success of the situations for child education medium primary school I.N. Grushetskaya Modern technologies’ typology in the field of youth leisure organisation N.B. Topka Prophylaxis of HIV/AIDS spread among students M.M. Shevtsova Project technologies in patriotic upbringing of students: some aspects of personality development P.A. Smirnov Sources of successful educational practices of modern pedagogic teams
Yu.A. Korolyova The understanding of emotion as an aspect of socio-psychological competency of adolescents with developmental disabilities Yu.A. Korolyova, Yu.T. Matasov Personal resources of social-psychological competency of adolescents with developmental disabilities Ye.S. Slyusaryova, Yu.N. Morozova On the problem of formation of tolerance of junior schoolchildren as subjects of inclusive education
G.N. Solomatina, L.V. Sumenko Problems of schooling of foster children
Yu.S. Manuylov Environmental approach in the context of Lev Vygotsky’s pedagogic ideas I.V. Chebotaryova Moral and spiritual basis of professional behavioural pattern of pedagogue S.N. Kasatkina, N.Yu. Klimova, M.V. Reymer The anthropological approach for the upbringing – the methodologic basis of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky’s pedagogic concept
T.L. Kryukova Stress psychology and coping behaviour psychology: resources, health, development. IV International scientific conference at Kostroma State University N.P. Fetiskin New paradigm of organisational management under conditions of the 21st century challenge. The All-Russia’s symposium at Kostroma State University