Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics. 2016. № 2.
Citation link: Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics. 2016. № 2. 288 p.
S.K. Buldakov The content of education as the discourse of philosophical-pedagogic ideas Yu.A. Lyakh Improvement of system of an assessment of quality of the general education A.S. Babenko, N.L. Margolina, T.N. Matytsina Analysis of results scan jobs with detailed answer unified state examination in mathematics after 2015 O.A. Koryakovtseva, T.V. Bugaychuk On the way to the implementation of the National Idea V.V. Iokhvidov, V.M. Iokhvidov A systematic approach to the use of methods, techniques and training aids Ye.V. Shpagina Fundamental principles and differences of distance and open learning K.Yu. Plotnikov Planning for the development of substantive results of the educational program – for the exemplary programs to work (level of general education, the example of the music) M.V. Il’yashenko, O.N. Bakayeva Pedagogic support of development culture verbal communication in children of senior preschool age in the kindergarten and the family N.V. Sidakova Conceptual position in personally oriented approach when teaching foreign language N.A. Baranchuk Pedagogic support of self-improvement moral and psychological competence of officers
S.B. Bazhutina The role of the dichotomy of personal meaning in the process of moral choice Z.V. Borisenko A position of power as a factor of setting goals in the negotiating process N.Ye. Vodop’yanova, G.S. Nikiforov, O.O. Gofman Intra and intersubjective factors of professional responsibility of the workforce in the organisation T.V. Markelova, Z.A. Shutkina, V.V. Katunova, A.I. Barykina, S.N. Lobanov Conditions of success of professional activity of the health worker: statement of a problem N.Ye. Vodop’yanova, V.B. Chesnokov Discussion of psychological aspects of properties and states of labour subject F.I. Kevlya, Ye.V. Sysoyeva Relationships between student’s ideas about time with a level of his personal development M.I. Yasin The current research areas areas in the psychology of religion V.V. Klimenko Social and psychological assistance to the child at the stage of entry into the educational environment of the school: the dialectic of internal and external M.Ye. Voronina Adult daughters and ageing parents: the peculiarities of relationships U.Yu. Sevastyanova Investigation of the features of intergenerational connections in the male line of the family (grandfather – father – son) N.A. Chernykh Motherhood as a socially-conditioned phenomenon. An empirical study of anxiety pregnant Ye.A. Tokareva, G.I. Zhelezovskaya Model of formation communicative culture of undergraduate students T.N. Adeyeva Some aspects of social situation of children with disabilities Z.V. Polivara, K.B. Mamedova Neuropsychological aspect of the analysis of school difficulties in children with mental retardation M.V. Protopopova Aspects of psychological expressions of the children with attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity S.P. Yelshanskiy, A.F. Anufriyev, Z.F. Kamaletdinova, O.Ye. Saparin, D.V. Semyonov Psychometrical indicators of the Russian-language version of the Curiosity and Exploration Inventory (CEI-II) Ye.M. Kalinkina, O.K. Sokolovskaya, M.O. Tsaturyan Possible applications of G. Kelly’s repertory grid technique in the diagnosis of the teenager’s self-image
N.Ye. Kharlamenkova Intensive stress and psychological safety of personality in elderly age
Ye.D. Gryaznova Role of higher education institution in formation of professional values at the present stage L.S. Znikina The organisation of students’ self-educational activity: synergetics ideas in pedagogy Yu.V. Kuznetsova On the «interaction» category in the modern educational process of high school N.N. Lobanova, A.V. Sulimova, Ye.A. Tsybina, S.N. Syasina The essence and content of general cultural competences in professional education L.I. Pereslavtseva Development of informational culture of future specialists under conditions of culture globalising: dialectics of social and individual O.Ye. Yermakova On the approach to the construction of a model of formation of individual style of innovative activity of the teacher in the process of professional training Yu.S. Zaletov Current issues of continuing education experts on customs operations Ye.A. Gordiyenko, A.A. Sivuhin Consideration of regionalisation during future customs specialists` training for intercultural professional communication in high school O.A. Kozlov The essence and content of professional training of cadets of the internal troops of the MIA of Russia O.A. Lapina, R.V. Il’yasov, I.S. Il’yasova The features of the environmental legal knowledge of the cadets of educational organisations of the system of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia L.K. Dmitriyeva Problems of employment of graduates of legal high schools Ye.A. Chugunov, O.D. Chugunova Experience successful training graduates high school to solve the problem of employment in a market economy (the 15th anniversary of the Institute of Economics of Nekrasov Kostroma State University)
G.M. Tyulyu, V.N. Starshinov Project activities as a condition for the integration of scientific research and training students in educational process university S.A. Kupriyanova The educational task as a means of forming professional competences of future teachers Ye.M. Karpova, N.G. Krylova, A.A. Piguzov Forming readiness to interprofessional interaction of students who study to become psychologists and psychopedagogic educators N.N. Kolesova The problem of selecting the types for medical discourse in professional speech training of medical university foreign students Ye.Ye. Kotova, A.Ye. Burova Educational computer programmes in cross-curricular study skills and personal results achievements of primary school students T.P. Frolova The set of exercises in training of foreign language dialogical speech activity on the basis of professionally focused information I.Yu. Tokareva Results of an achievement test of the cultural-lingual competence formation S.A. Morozova The process model of the teacher musical-pedagogic preparation to cultural and educational activities O.P. Shchukina Development of self-dependence and preparation for professional loneliness training interpreters M.N. Chernyaykov Improving skills of teachers in psycho-pedagogic support of educational-professional activity of students during period of probation V.S. Sekovanov, A.S. Babenko, Ye.M. Seleznyova, A.O. Smirnova Implementation of multistep mathematical and informational task «discrete dynamical systems», as the means of the students` creativity formation
T.Ye. Korovkina, A.Ye. Smirnov Features of formation of tolerant attitude towards children at social risk from the inspectors of divisions on affairs of minors L.Kh. Urusova Education of masculinity system in the Adyghe ethnopedagogics
Ye.A. Reprintseva, T.R. Solomahina Formation of a healthy way of life of students in the educational environment of high school: the competence approach Ye.V. Tikhomirova, I.A. Umanskaya Motives of sports as psychological resource of successful sports activity A.I. Kalosha The teaching method in physical education with children of primary school age living in areas with increased levels of radiation
N.F. Basov, O.N. Vericheva Theoretical basis of socio-pedagogic support of disabled children and young people A.G. Samokhvalova, Yu.I. Oliyarnik Communication difficulties of orphans and their conditions for overcoming V.V. Yershova, A.B. Kizima Comprehensive support for children with hearing impairments in secondary school
Ye.I. Barysheva The lifestyle of youth as reflection of subjective vital space of the personality V.I. Bugayov Images of the characters in a global culture of moral and aesthetic education of students of creative specialties
A.G. Kirpichnik, T.V. Trukhachyova Organised social life of children: historical heritage, current state, perspectives (1st part)
N.K. Kutyakova, V.Yu. Fertser Forming active attitude towards life and civicism in Soviet pupils during the Soviet Vs Nazi period of the WW II (1941—1945)