The results of diagnosing educational competences in undergraduates in the direction of “Pedagogic Educationˮ
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- The results of diagnosing educational competences in undergraduates in the direction of “Pedagogic Educationˮ
- Voroncova A.V., Vishnevskaya O.N., Petrova M.S., Somkina M.A., Sutyagina T.V., Golitsina S.S., Korsakova A.A., Ershova M.V. The results of diagnosing educational competences in undergraduates in the direction of “Pedagogic Educationˮ. Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics, 2022, vol. 28, № 1, pp. 170-182.
- DOI:
- УДК: 378
- Publish date: 2022-03-01
- Annotation: The article discusses the methodology for diagnosing the upbringing competences of students in pedagogic areas of training. The authors present the theoretical foundations on which the methodology is based, including the content and structure of the graduate's competency model. The article characterises the criteria for assessing upbringing competences and substantiates the methods that are used to diagnose according to these criteria. The authors describe the general diagnostic procedure and requirements for it, the form for presenting the results and recommendations for students. The article presents in detail the content and procedure of individual methods – testing, solving case tasks, value-oriented game, motivational survey. The paper presents and interprets the results of a comprehensive diagnosis of upbringing competences of future pedagogues, and makes suggestions for the development of diagnostic tools.
- Keywords: competence, upbringing, educator's competences, competency model, complex diagnostics of competences.
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