Parents' attitude to children's musical education as a factor of self-realisation of children's art school learners (based on the results of online surveys of children and parents)
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- Parents' attitude to children's musical education as a factor of self-realisation of children's art school learners (based on the results of online surveys of children and parents)
- Krasnoshchechenko I.P., Platonov A.S. Parents' attitude to children's musical education as a factor of self-realisation of children's art school learners (based on the results of online surveys of children and parents). Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics, 2022, vol. 28, № 1, pp. 119-131.
- DOI:
- УДК: 78
- Publish date: 2022-04-01
- Annotation: The article presents the results of a study aimed at studying the influence of parents' attitude to the musical education of children in the context of the development and self-realisation of learners in children's art schools. The paper analyses the prevailing values, interests, attitudes towards learning, self-assessment of the possibilities and self-realisation effectiveness in the educational space, as well as parents' assessments of development opportunities, children’s self-realisation, and the results of the educational process in art schools. As a methodological tool, 2 author's questionnaires were used – for children's school learners and their parents, posted in Google forms. The statistical package Microsoft Office Excel was used to process the results. In total, the study involved 134 learners of the children’s art school and 139 adults – parents of children studying in music schools in two subjects of the Russian Federation in its European Centre – Bryansk and Kaluga regions. The work showed the majority of learners positively assessing the results of studying at a music school – music education creates conditions for formation of their worldview, values, entry into culture; it enriches the value sphere, contributes to the formation of an appropriate personality orientation – interest, hobbies in music. Leaners attending a children's art school need good relations, support from both pedagogues and parents. The majority of schoolchildren stated the predominance of positive, friendly relations between peers and pedagogues. The study confirmed the importance of parental support for the self-realisation of learners in the educational space of the children’s art school. Parents play a decisive role in deciding whether to send their children to a music school. A relationship has been established – parents who perceive children as gifted and talented, devote more time to their children, show greater interest in the affairs and successes of their children, and show greater involvement in their musical education and creative activity.
- Keywords: children's art school, children's art school learners, pupils' parents, parents' attitude to children's musical education, children's art school pedagogues, interests, values, self-realisation.
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