Motivation incentives for the development of servicemen’s physical fitness in foreign language teaching
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- Motivation incentives for the development of servicemen’s physical fitness in foreign language teaching
- Bogatyreva E.N., Vyatlev D.N., Tarasova N.V. Motivation incentives for the development of servicemen’s physical fitness in foreign language teaching. Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics, 2022, vol. 28, № 1, pp. 46-51 (In Russ.).
- DOI:
- УДК: 355.1
- Publish date: 2022-04-16
- Annotation: The article highlights the issue of Physical Training and Foreign Language interaction within the competence-based, system and subject-activity approaches to the education of a military specialist. The correlation and integration of these two subjects can facilitate the building of the motivation for the development of students’ physical fitness. The necessity to motivate servicemen for healthy lifestyle, physical training and sport is due to the requirements imposed on military specialists in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Foreign Language classes can contribute to the development of this training field which is considered one of the key fields in the education system of the Russian Defence Ministry. To achieve the goal a teacher should choose appropriate and various methodological techniques that will add to the effective realisation of mental activity, creative and cognitive abilities of students and to the development of their culture. The motivation component is seen rational in the language material related to physical fitness and healthy lifestyle. Moreover, using modern pedagogic technologies, such as gaming and project-based ones, during Foreign Language classes will definitely play and important role in building the essential motivation for students’ physical fitness development.
- Keywords: motivation, foreign language teaching methodology, physical fitness and physical training of servicemen, sport and healthy lifestyle, competence-based approach, system approach, subject-activity approach, integrated components in education, gaming technology, project-based technology
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