Vladimir N. Ershov
Kostroma State University
Vladislav V. Gruzdev
Kostroma State University, Donbass State University of Justice
Trust as a key object of control in cognitive wars
Ershov V.N., Gruzdev V.V. Trust as a key control object when waging cognitive wars. Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics, 2023, vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 28-36. https://doi.org/10.34216/2073-1426-2023-29-4-28-36
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/2073-1426-2023-29-4-28-36
УДК: 159.9:316.6
Publish date: 2023-11-16
Annotation: The article is aimed at developing a systematic understanding of trust as an object of management when waging cognitive wars. The study is based on the hypothesis that with the growing complexity of identifying the truth of information against the backdrop of exponential growth in its volume, as well as the complexity of information technology, the most adequate countermeasure may be the trust of subjects of information interaction. The presence of such a hypothesis dictates the need to consider the phenomenon of trust as an object of management, as well as existing and promising mechanisms of influence on trust. The article structures the main factors influencing the formation of social trust and systematizes the idea of the types of objects of influence when waging a hybrid war. Based on the analysis of the results of research into the phenomenon of trust and the factors influencing it, a structural diagram of information management of trust is presented, where social trust is shown as the object of management, and informational and cultural aspects of the formation of trust are selected as regulating elements. The article also identifies groups of goals, objects and groups of indicators of negative information impact on trust factors, and proposes approaches to identifying the presence of such impact. The example shows that modern information technologies are an effective tool for influencing the level of trust between people, due to the intensive impact on the cognitive sphere of a person.
Keywords: cognitive warfare, person, trust management, information impact, objects of impact.
Funding and acknowledgments: The study was carried out as part of the execution of the state task for the implementation of research on the topic “Socialization, identity and life strategies of young people in the conditions of the “new wars” FZEW-2023-0003.
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Author's info: Vladimir N. Ershov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher of the Department of Research Activities, Kostroma State University, Russia, Kostroma, yvn@ksu.edu.ru
Co-author's info: Vladislav V. Gruzdev, Doctor of Law, Professor, Leading Researcher of the Department of Research Activities, Kostroma State University, Russia; Kostroma, Donbass State University of Justice, Russia, Donetsk, VGruzdev@ksu.edu.ru