Аmon Ak. Rakhimov
Tajik Technical University named after M.S. Azimi Academy
Computer simulation as one of the ways to increase the efficiency of training in higher mathematics in a technical university
Rakhimov А.A. Computer simulation as one of the ways to increase the efficiency of training in higher mathematics in a technical university. Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics, 2023, vol. 29, № 2, pp. 132-143. https://doi.org/10.34216/2073-1426-2023-29-2-132-143
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/2073-1426-2023-29-2-132-143
УДК: 378:51
Publish date: 2023-04-30
Annotation: Introduction. The article considers one of the ways to improve the effectiveness of teaching higher mathematics taught at a technical university using the Maple 18 computer program as a computer simulation. The use of procedures, some functions of the program and materials increases visibility, however, in our opinion, there are other methods for improving the effectiveness of teaching, which are discussed in pedagogical practice, but nevertheless are not widely used in the classroom. The research methods of this work are the analysis of the learning outcomes of students of technical universities and teachers taught this subject using computer modeling, who are interested in improving the effectiveness of learning and teaching using the Maple 18 computer program. The basis of this study is the process of mastering knowledge in higher mathematics of students of engineers of a technical university using computer simulation. The use of computer models, including the Maple 18 computer program, showed the best results in higher mathematics classes and, with the use of modeling, had a positive effect on the quality of teaching knowledge of engineering students and the results of assessing their learning were observed for several years. The most important stages of computer modeling and research questions with engineers in order to check the mastery of the subject in the classroom of higher mathematics are considered. To increase the effectiveness of training and the use of computer simulation, including the Maple 18 program, it is advisable to switch to an active learning method, for which it is advisable to use computer simulation and the Maple 18 computer program.
Keywords: Maple 18, higher mathematics, computer mathematics, program, technical university, teaching methodology, active teaching methods
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Author's info: Аmon Ak. Rakhimov, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Tajik Technical University named after M.S. Azimi Academy, Khujand. Republic of Tajikistan, amon_rahimov@mail.ru