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- Modelling motivating education environment to enhence teaching english to university students
- Chistyakova V.V., Mezhetskaya G.N. Modelling motivating education environment to enhence teaching english to university students. Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics, 2023, vol. 29, № 2, pp. 184-189.
- DOI:
- УДК: 378:81
- Publish date: 2023-04-15
- Annotation: Improving the quality of language education in higher educational institutions of a non-linguistic profile without attracting additional material and other resources today seems to be an important task in the field of teaching foreign languages. Based on this attitude, the purpose of the work is to determine, taking into account the new learning conditions, in the structure of the educational environment of a non–linguistic university, a range of activities that optimize the process of learning a foreign language, including through the management of students' motivation. The article examines the role and place of such actions in the structure of the educational environment of a non-linguistic university and their impact on the quality of education, as well as the development of students' academic competence. To test the developed model, previously developed activities aimed at managing students' motivation to study were organized in groups of foreign language learners, which were built taking into account the structure of the university's learning environment. In addition to solving the actual educational tasks, this approach made it possible to demonstrate the potential of external and university electronic resources, developing students' ability to learn independently. As a result, students showed more independence in preparing for classes, and at the end of the course showed a higher level of development of communicative competence. The authors come to the conclusion about the need for systematic purposeful work on the management of motivation to learn, as an important factor affecting the effectiveness of the entire educational environment.
- Keywords: motivation, foreign language education, foreign language communicative competence, foreign language for specific purposes, educational environment
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