Mityukov Evgeny Alexandrovich
Voronezh State Pedagogic University
Psychological and pedagogic support for the development of the self-concept of a student in the educational environment of a military training centre
Mityukov E.A. Psychological and pedagogic support for the development of the self-concept of a student in the educational environment of a military training centre. Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics, 2023, vol. 29, № 1, pp. 114-121. https://doi.org/10.34216/2073-1426-2023-29-1-114-121
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/2073-1426-2023-29-1-114-121
УДК: 355.1:159.9
Publish date: 2023-02-03
Annotation: The author of the article refers to the analysis of the possibilities of the educational environment of the military training centre in the development of the self-concept of future military specialists. The author connects the formation of the self-concept of the student's personality with the presence in the educational environment of the centre of professional standards – carriers of mastery, life and professional positions, – with the process of collective formation and the formation of a moral and psychological climate that sets the system of traditions, norms, values of the environment, the boundaries of socially approved behaviour and relations of future military specialists. The author notes the important psychological and pedagogic aspects of formation of the self-concept of future military specialists, including meaningful and productive social interaction, joint activities; creation of situations that consolidate the experience of emotional and volitional self-regulation, perception, empathy, enrichment of organisational skills of students, enrichment of the experience of introspection, reflection of the movement from self-real to ideal self. The author presents the results of his own empirical research, illustrating the influence of the educational environment of a military training centre on the formation of students' self-concept. In particular, the author shows the dynamics of the psychological atmosphere in the student team, the influence of the socio-psychological climate of the community centre, the development of students' ideas about their own self-concept. Empirical materials made it possible to reveal the dynamics in the development of 5 groups of personal qualities included in the structure of the self-concept, among which the author singles out the socio-moral, strong-willed, communicative, organisational and managerial qualities of future military specialists, their professional readiness.
Keywords: pedagogy and psychology of vocational education, military training center, educational environment, military specialist personality self-concept, personal-professional development of future specialist.
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Author's info: Mityukov Evgeny Alexandrovich, Voronezh State Pedagogic University, Voronezh, Russia, evgen769mit@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0126-3876