Menshikova Anastasia Nikolaevna
Kursk State University
Development of professional competencies of future designers based on an individually differentiated approach in professional design education
Menshikova A.N. Development of professional competences of future designers based on an individually differentiated approach in professional design education. Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics, 2023, vol. 29, № 1, pp. 122-131. https://doi.org/10.34216/2073-1426-2023-29-1-122-131
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/2073-1426-2023-29-1-122-131
УДК: 62:18
Publish date: 2023-02-03
Annotation: The article deals with the problem of diagnostics and development of professional competences of future designers based on an individually differentiated approach. The author examines the specifics of the professional and creative competences of a modern designer, the prerequisites and conditions for their formation in the process of professional education. Professional creative competences are considered as a cluster of competencies that reflect the willingness of a future designer to perform productive professional activities, as an ability for personal and professional self-development by increasing creative potential and expanding the scope of its professional application. The author reveals the principles of development of cognitive and activity competences of a designer, which reflect the ability of an individual to independently creatively comprehend professional tasks, process information, apply its knowledge, skills and abilities to find effective ways to solve a design problem. The author believes that for the development of such competences it is necessary to apply special techniques, means and methods in the process of vocational education. The author clarifies the essence and content of the cognitive and activity competences of the future designer, suggests ways and conditions for the effective application of the proposed approaches in the system of professional design education. The approach proposed by the author has theoretical and practical significance, since it contains a description of a set of psychological and pedagogic conditions that allow diagnosing and purposefully developing the professional, creative, cognitive and activity competences of future designers.
Keywords: pedagogy and psychology of vocational education, design education, competence approach in education, design thinking, professional competence
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Author's info: Menshikova Anastasia Nikolaevna, Kursk State University, Kursk, Russia, indria@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0138-390X