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- Value-rich educational environment as a condition for the formation of an information culture of a person
- Bessarab S.K., Vorontsova A.V. Value-rich educational environment as a condition for the formation of an information culture of a person. Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics, 2023, vol. 29, № 1, pp. 25-30.
- DOI:
- УДК: 004:37
- Publish date: 2023-02-01
- Annotation: The article is devoted to the problem of forming the value foundations of the information culture of students of the organisation of secondary vocational education. The information and educational environment is considered as a condition for the formation of the value foundations of the information culture of the individual. The paper presents a theoretical analysis of research on the formation of the value foundations of the information culture of the individual, as well as the creation of a value-rich information and educational environment. The analysis of the earlier studies of environmental issues allowed us to identify the components of a value-rich information and educational environment. The article describes the experimental work on the creation of an environment in an educational organisation of secondary vocational education that ensures the formation of the value foundations of the information culture of the individual. The paper describes the authors’ diagnostic tools for assessing the influence of the educational environment of the organisation of secondary vocational education in the process of forming the information culture of students. Correlation analysis demonstrates that the saturation of the environment with the value foundations of information culture has a significant impact on the activities of the subjects of the educational process and, in general, on the formation of the value foundations of students' information culture.
- Keywords: educational environment, information & educational environment, educational environment components, value bases of individual information culture, secondary vocational education, formation of information culture
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