Alexandr N. Teslenko
Myrzakhmetov Kokchetav University
Rap as indicator of protest potential of Z generation
Teslenko A.N. Rap as indicator of protest potential of Z generation // Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics. 2021. vol. 27, № 3. pp. 33-40. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.34216/2073-1426-2021-27-3-33-40
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/2073-1426-2021-27-3-33-40
УДК: 784
Publish date: 2021-05-30
Annotation: Contexts of youth protest potential in rap as a musical direction popular among modern youth are analysed in the article. Attempts of imposing of political identity «from above» does not meet requirements of the youth which seeks for self-realisation in the cultural sphere. Therefore, the article examines the socio-psychological phenomenon of such a youth public practice as rap culture, which has now become a brand of mass pop culture. On the basis of sociological data the author analyses social mood and topical problems of the Kazakhstani youth, designing its protest potential. Quite high percent of the young respondents concerned by violations of the legitimate social, civil and political rights is revealed. It is noted that the Z generation prefers non-political forms in a counterbalance a protest to means of cultural self-expression. In mass consciousness installation about rap as to «protest music» was approved. The historical and cultural retrospective of emergence and development of rap allowed the author to disprove the settled stereotype and to prove a position about rap as to music of success and active living position. Topicality and scientific novelty of the problem statement made it possible to show the importance of studying the protest behaviour of young people in the modern scientific space, highlighting its indicators and drawing a conclusion about the need for a psychological study of youth protest tendencies and pedagogic support of the socialisation process.
Keywords: youth, Z generation, hip-hop culture, counterculture, rap music, political socialisation, social mood, youth protest, protest behaviour, protest potential, gangsta rap, underground, mainstream.
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Author's info: Alexandr N. Teslenko, Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Myrzakhmetov Kokchetav University, Kazakhstan, teslan@rambler.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1398-1832.