Anna A. Osminina
Kostroma State University
The outlook rejuvenation activity as coping with stress of aging in middleaged women
Osminina A.A. The outlook rejuvenation activity as coping with stress of aging in middleaged women // Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics. 2021. vol. 27, № 3. pp. 140-146. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.34216/2073-1426-2021-27-3-140-146
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/2073-1426-2021-27-3-140-146
УДК: 159.9:316.6
Publish date: 2021-05-30
Annotation: The article is presenting the results of middle-aged women`s experiencing the stress of aging coping study. The article provides data on the coping strategies of various flexibility in aging women who perceive an attractive (youthful) outlook as the value. Correlations between the choice of coping strategies and external factors of rejuvenation activity in women, regular clients of an aesthetic medical centre, have been revealed. This data is associated with the previously obtained facts of the influence of the use of anti-aging manipulations on the self-concept traits (self-acceptance). From methodological point the interplay of different data is used: the content-analysis of categories of a semi-structured interview with women with their coping with stress of aging strategies and types of coping flexibility. The results of comparing the data of content analysis, the author`s longitudinal observation, questionnaires` scores and analysis of external / objective factors of rejuvenation activity helped reveal that women`s rejuvenation activity is a successful, effective way of coping with the stress of aging, contributing to self-esteem enhancement, interpersonal communication improvement, life satisfaction increase in general.
Keywords: outlook, aging stress, coping, coping flexibility, external factors, rejuvenation activity.
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Author's info: Anna A. Osminina, Kostroma State University, Kostroma, Russia, annaosminina@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4315-606Х