karabanov-ap-varenov-ma-vestnik-pip-2021-3.pdf |
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- Relations between metacognitive processes and differences in framing effect performance
- Karabanov A.P., Varenov M.A. Relations between metacognitive processes and differences in framing effect performance // Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics. 2021. vol. 27, № 3. pp. 65-71. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.34216/2073-1426-2021-27-3-65-71
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/2073-1426-2021-27-3-65-71
- УДК: 159.9:316.6
- Publish date: 2021-08-15
- Annotation: In this paper we discuss the link between risky decisions and regret, uncertainty about choice and willing to change the chosen option. We used a classic and modified versions of “Asian disease” task. The modification consisted in adding a series of side effects to the sure option to decrease it's the preferability. An attempt to replicate framing effect, action effect and its inversion in certain and uncertain decision-makers was made. The estimation of utility through integration of information about alternatives and role of metacognitive processes in choice are discussed. Accordingly to results the uncertain decision-makers tend to feel regret about choosing safe option in loss domain. Action effect and its inversion were not found. The inversion of framing-effect in uncertain decision-makers in loss domain was shown. In conclusion, the absence of framing effect in loss domain can be explained by strong the differences between certain and uncertain decision-makers.
- Keywords: decision-making, framing effect, risk, action effect, uncertainty, regret
- Literature list: Kornilova T.V., Pavlova E.M., Krasavtseva Yu.V., Razvalyaeva A.Yu. Svyaz' freyming-effekta s individual'nymi razlichiyami u studentov-medikov i studentov-psikhologov [Relationship Between the Framing Effect and Individual Differences in Medical Students and Psychology Students]. Natsional'nyy psikhologicheskiy zhurnal [National Psychological Journal], 2017, № 28 (4), pp. 17–29. doi.org/10.11621/npj.2017.0402 (In Russ.).