Boris N. Korshikov
Kostroma State University
Modern foreign studies of the phenomenon of successfulness
Korshikov B.N. Modern foreign studies of the phenomenon of successfulness. Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics, 2021, vol. 27, № 4, pp. 189-193. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.34216/2073-1426-2021-27-4-189-193
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/2073-1426-2021-27-4-189-193
УДК: 159.9:316.6
Publish date: 2021-10-20
Annotation: Analysis of foreign research material conducted in 2015-2021 by Indian, American, Czech, Polish, Australian and other scientists aimed at studying successfulness phenomenon is presented in this article. Main approaches to understanding successfulness and directions in its study are reviewed. It is established that successfulness is a multidimensional construction directly correlated with various positive personality characteristics that contribute to effective coping with stress and increased life satisfaction. The main conceptual areas of investigations studying the phenomenon of personal successfulness in various spheres of life activities are presented. Analysis and systematisation of approaches to personality successfulsness study are conducted, and also the prospects for further study of this phenomenon are outlined.
Keywords: successfullness, success in life, performance efficiency.
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Author's info: Boris N. Korshikov, Kostroma State University, Kostroma, Russia, boris.korshikov@bk.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2652-127X