Inga G. Kharisova
Ushinsky Yaroslavl State Pedagogic University
Value-semantic model of formation of the successive results of pedagogue training
Kharisova I.G. Value-semantic model of formation of the successive results of pedagogue training. Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics. 2021, vol. 27, № 4, pp. 257-264. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.34216/2073-1426-2021-27-4-257-264
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/2073-1426-2021-27-4-257-264
УДК: 378:371
Publish date: 2021-11-10
Annotation: The problem of ensuring the continuous training of pedagogic staff is one of the most significant for improving the system of continuing education. How can continuity be ensured in a situation where individual stages of pedagogic training are regulated by different regulatory documents containing specific requirements for the results of mastering educational programmes of a certain level by students? The answer to this question presupposes allocation of the basic foundations for the design of targeted, meaningful, operational-activity and effective components based on the principles of continuity and continuity. In order to develop the basic foundations for combining educational programmes for pedagogic training at different stages and levels of education, it is advisable to use a value-semantic model of the formation of successive results. The model was developed by a problem group of lecturers based on the results of the study, which included conducting focus groups with the participation of students and practical pedagogues, comparative analysis of normative documents, content analysis of the products of the activities of existing teachers, conducting a survey among students of psychological and pedagogic classes, pedagogues and representatives of school administration, students and lecturers of pedagogic universities. Universal pedagogic competences (anthropocentric, social and acmeological) are defined as the basic components of the model. Indicators have been developed for each level of education that characterise the manifestation of competences in the knowledge, attitudes and qualities of future pedagogues. The value-semantic model of the formation of successive results can be used to assess the quality of pedagogic education at a separate level of training and when designing individual professional educational routes for future and current teachers, taking into account the identified deficits and problems.
Keywords: value-semantic model, pedagogic training, continuity, continuous pedagogic education, universal pedagogic competences, professional activity, axiological approach
Funding and acknowledgments: The research was carried out within the framework of the state task of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 073-00077-21-02 for the implementation of scientific research on the topic ‟Scientific justification and development of a methodology for ensuring the continuity of the Federal State Educational System of general, secondary professional and higher pedagogic education in the interests of creating a unified educational space for pedagogue training”.
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Author's info: Inga G. Kharisova, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Ushinsky Yaroslavl State Pedagogic University, Yaroslavl, Russia, i.kharisova@yspu.org, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7782-664X