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- Related methodological categories in the conceptual construct of intercultural didactics
- Vlasova A.S. Related methodological categories in the conceptual construct of intercultural didactics. Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics, 2021, vol. 27, № 1, pp. 12–16 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.34216/2073-1426-2021-27-1-12-16
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/2073-1426-2021-27-1-12-16
- УДК: 881:378
- Publish date: 2021-02-27
- Annotation: A new educational paradigm associated with an intercultural approach allows a new look at the traditional models of the process of teaching a foreign language in a pedagogical university, to determine the state of development of modern linguodidactics as a science, to determine the prospects for the development of this scientific field. The transition from the educational paradigm of an industrial society to a post-industrial one is marked by the emergence in scientific circles of increased interest in issues of culture and intercultural communication. The principle of cultural conformity of education (Friedrich Adolph Wilhelm Diesterweg) currently reactivates in teaching methods. In general pedagogic meaning, this principle implies the importance of familiarising a person with various layers of society, culture and the whole world. The principle of cultural conformity serves the ideas of harmonising the surrounding space and education in general, the determinism of the educational and upbringing process by the sociocultural environment, considering the educational sphere as a factor in the development and stabilisation of this environment. Thanks to the current process, closely related concepts appear in Russian and foreign methodological science – cultural competence, intercultural competence, universal cultural competence, socio-cultural competence and others, each of which occupies its own gap in the scientific and methodological space.
- Keywords: cultural competence, intercultural competence, universal cultural competence, socio-cultural competence, principle of cultural conformity
- Literature list: Azimov E.G., Shchukin A.N. Novyy slovar' metodicheskikh terminov i ponyatiy (teoriya i praktika obucheniya yazykam) [New dictionary of methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of language teaching)]. Moscow, 2009, 448 p. (In Russ.) Bryleva V.A. Razvitiye mezhkul'turnoy kompetentnosti studentov-lingvistov sredstvami virtual'noy obrazovatel'noy sredy spetsial'nogo fakul'teta: avtoref. kand. ped. nauk [Development of intercultural competence of students-linguists by means of the virtual educational environment of the special faculty: Phd thesis]. Pyatigorsk, 2007, 230 p. (In Russ.) Galskova N.D., Gez N.I. Teoriya obucheniya inostrannym yazykam: lingvodidaktika i metodika: uchebnik [The Theory of foreign language teaching: linguodidactics and methodology: textbook]. Moscow, 2006, 336 p. (In Russ.) Getmanskaya A.V. Formirovaniye lingvokul'turologicheskoy kompetentsii na osnove integrirovannogo kursa «Angliyskiy yazyk i mirovaya khudozhestvennaya literatura» (fakul'tativnyy kurs dlya shkol s uglublennym izucheniyem angliyskogo yazyka i neyazykovykh vuzov) [Formation of linguistic and Cultural competence on the basis of the integrated course «English and world fiction» (elective course for schools with in-depth study of English and non-linguistic universities): Phd thesis]. Saint Petersburg, 2003, 257 p. (In Russ.) Dekkushev A.U., Makarova E.A. Mezhkul'turnaya kommunikativnaya kompetentsiya kak osnova izucheniya inostrannykh yazykov [Intercultural communicative competence as the basis of learning foreign languages]. Adygeya, 2014, pp. 15–25. (In Russ.) Elizarova G.V. Kul'tura i obucheniye inostrannym yazykam [Culture and teaching foreign languages]. Saint Petersburg, 2005, 352 p. (In Russ.) Leontovich O.A. Russkiye i amerikantsy: paradoksy mezhkul'turnogo obshcheniya: monografiya [Russians and Americans: paradoxes of intercultural communication: monograph]. Moscow, 2005, 344 p. (In Russ.) Malkova E.V. Formirovaniye mezhkul'turnoy kompetentsii v protsesse raboty nad tekstami dlya chteniya (nemetskiy yazyk v neyazykovom vuze, fakul'tet s rasshirennoy setkoy chasov) [Formation of intercultural competence in the process of working on texts for reading (German in a non-linguistic University, faculty with an extended grid of hours): Phd thesis]. Moscow, 2000, 263 p. (In Russ.) Milovanova L.A. K voprosu o sotsiokul'turnoy i mezhkul'turnoy kompetentnosti studentov pedagogicheskogo vuza [On the issue of socio-cultural and intercultural competence of pedagogical University students]. Pyatigorsk, 2007, pp. 270–276. (In Russ.) Sadokhin A.P. Mezhkul'turnaya kommunikatsiya: uchebnik [Intercultural communication: textbook]. Moscow, 2009, 278 p. (In Russ.) Safonova V.V. Sotsiokul'turnyy podkhod k obucheniyu inostrannym yazykam [Sociocultural approach to teaching foreign languages: author]: PhD thesis. Moscow, 1993, 56 p. Sokolova N.G. Bilingval'nyye aspekty metodicheskoy podgotovki studentov pedagogicheskogo kolledzha k mezhkul'turnomu professional'no-oriyentirovannomu obshcheniyu: dis. ... kand.ped. nauk [Bilingual aspects of methodological training of pedagogical College students for intercultural professionally-oriented communication: Phd thesis]. Moscow, 1999, 184 p. (In Russ.) Chelysheva I.V. Teoriya, metodika i praktika razvitiya mediakompetentnosti sovremennogo uchitelya: monografiya [Theory, methodology and practice of development of media competence of a modern teacher: monograph]. Moscow, Berlin, 2019, 148 p. (In Russ.)