Natal’ya V. Roshchina
Kostroma State University
Psychological barriers and resources of professional development of future physical education teachers
Roshchina N.V. Psychological barriers to the development of professional and personal competence of the future teacher of physical education. Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics, 2020, vol. 26, № 4, pp. 161-165 (In Russ.). DOI https://doi.org/10.34216/2073-1426-2020-26-4-161-165
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/2073-1426-2020-26-4-161-165
УДК: 378:796
Publish date: 2020-09-27
Annotation: This article examines the psychological barriers of the personality that prevent the development of professionalism of the future physical culture teacher. An analysis of scientific views on the phenomenon of “psychological barrier” is presented, a working definition of this concept is formulated, the results of an empirical study conducted on a sample of students of Kostroma State University (n = 120) are presented, representing the main barriers to professionalisation and the resources to overcome them. It has been established that for future physical education teachers at the initial courses of study, the dominant external psychological barriers to professionalisation include lack of time, misunderstanding from peers, criticism from others. Senior students, more immersed in their future profession, also noted the abundance of documentation, tough competition in professional activities, and low salaries as external barriers. The dominant internal barriers to professional development for future physical education teachers are laziness, lack of experience, destructive emotions, frivolous attitude to the profession, fear of their own psychological and pedagogical incompetency, and shyness. The students named readiness for self-development, willpower, perseverance, social activity, sense of humour as the main mental resources for overcoming psychological barriers. Social resources are the effective work of university pedagogues, communication with friends, the help of a coach, family support, advice from experienced people, sports, and special literature.
Keywords: future physical education teacher, professionalisation, psychological barrier, overcoming, resource
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Author's info: Natal’ya V. Roshchina, ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4641-8571, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Physical Culture and Sports, Kostroma State University, Kostroma, Russia E-mail: nata_roshchina@mail.ru