Anastasiya A. Korsakova
Kostroma State University
Continuity of the system of general, additional and professional education as a mechanism for the formation of the social creativity of the individual
Корсакова А.А. Преемственность системы общего, дополнительного и профессионального образования как механизм формирования социальной креативности личности // Вестник Костромского государственного университета. Серия: Педагогика. Психология. Социокинетика. 2020. Т. 26, № 4. С. 25-32. DOI https://doi.org/10.34216/2073-1426-2020-26-4-25-32
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/2073-1426-2020-26-4-25-32
УДК: 159.923
Publish date: 2020-10-23
Annotation: The article reveals the essence of the concept of "social creativity", it offers indicators and levels of formation of social creativity. The resources of out-of-town children's health centres in the formation of social creativity of the individual are described. The results of the study are presented, proving the possibility of the formation of social creativity by means of project activities. On a sample of the 1st year students of Kostroma State University, it was shown that the young adult who have experience in project activities in general education schools and in temporary children's associations, at the stage of the beginning of their student life at university, show a higher level of communicative and social creativity, are significantly less likely to experience various communication difficulties, are able to effectively interact in a team and resolve conflict situations. It is concluded that continuity in the systems of general, additional and professional education is an important mechanism of socialization and the formation of social creativity of an individual.
Keywords: social creativity, communicative creativity, youth, continuity, program of summer recreation and children's health improvement
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Author's info: Корсакова Анастасия Александровна, ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6701-1076, Костромской государственный университет, Кострома, Россия E-mail: korsakova.a.a@mail.ru