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- Features of the organisation of theatrical activities among rural schoolchildren
- Bayborodova L.V. Features of the organisation of theatrical activities among rural schoolchildren. Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics, 2020, vol. 26, № 4, pp. 33-40 (In Russ.). DOI
- DOI:
- УДК: 159.922.7
- Publish date: 2020-09-12
- Annotation: The definition is given, upbringing possibilities of theatre activities are identified; their main form is children's association. Theatre association is seen as an upbringing environment where pedagogues and children solve a set of tasks of children’s upbringing and socialising in the process of theatrical activity. Particular attention is paid to the fact that, when organising theatrical activities, one should take into account the peculiarities of the region, the societas and the specifics of rural school. Rural school often assumes the functions of additional education for children and adults; it is the centre of cultural and leisure activities for the whole population. Problems when organising theatre activities for rural children are considered; it is also noted that setting up a theatre group in a school helps to overcome the socialisation difficulties of rural children. A number of favourable factors, positively influencing the organisation and development of children’s theatrical activity, their socialisation, include close ties of school and societas, closeness of children to nature, development of interaction of children with parents, with fellow villagers, rural spiritual and moral environment, development of integrative connections. It is noted that theatrical activity in a number of rural schools is a system-forming one, i.e. it unites the activities of all actors, it contributes to the integration of general education and additional education of rural schoolchildren. Peculiarities of the content, forms, methods and technologies that can be used when organising theatrical activity of rural schoolchildren are considered.
- Keywords: rural school, theatrical activity, unification, integration, content, forms, technologies
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