Ol’ga G. Smolyaninova
Siberian Federal University
Nikita A. Ivanov
Siberian Federal University
Some aspects of training in bachelor-master system in the information society
Smolyaninova O.G., Ivanov N.A. Some aspects of training in bachelor-master system in the information society. Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics, 2020, vol. 26, № 2, pp. 154-160 (In Russ.). DOI 10.34216/2073-1426-2020-26-2-154-160
DOI: 10.34216/2073-1426-2020-26-2-154-160
УДК: 378:004.9
Publish date: 2020-04-13
Annotation: The article presents the results of theoretical analysis of the phenomena of informatisation of education, information society and two-level higher education. The specifics of training at the bachelor’s and master’s degrees are indicated, and the interdependence of the bachelor’s and master’s degrees is reflected. The authors conducted a comparative analysis of educational standards for bachelor’s and master’s degrees in pedagogic and psychological-pedagogic areas of training, both the current and previous versions. The results of the analysis indicate a tendency to increase the continuity of bachelor's and master's degrees, which is expressed in reducing the gap between the content of standards of the first and second stages of higher education. Also, the comparative analysis showed that in comparison with previous versions, the current standards of pedagogic and psychological-pedagogic directions are more similar to each other in terms of educational results. A cross-cutting issue in the article is the use of Internet technologies in the context of two-level higher education and the development of informatisation of society. In the context of the increasing role of Internet technologies in educational activities, in the opinion of the authors, the systemic in nature of informatisation of higher education is significant, in particular, providing the system work of actors in education with the information-educational environment of a higher education institution.
Keywords: industry 4.0, information society, education informatisation, Internet technology, e-learning, distance education technologies, Bologna process, higher education, bachelor, master.
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Author's info: Ol’ga G. Smolyaninova, ORCID 0000-0002-5597-6348, Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Professor, academician of RAE, head of the department of information technologies in education and lifelong learning, director of institute of education, psychology and sociology, Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia E-mail: smololga@mail.ru
Co-author's info: Nikita A. Ivanov, master student, methodologist of the laboratory of information and telecommunications technologies, department of information technologies in education and lifelong learning, institute of education, psychology and sociology, Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia E-mail: ni7923049@gmail.com