Vladimir P. Zhukovskiy
Saratov Regional Institute for the Development of Education
Larisa A. Skvortsova
Gagarin Saratov State Technical University
Nina A. Zhukovskaya
Saratov Regional Institute for the Development of Education
Stress management in pedagogic activity: basic organisation directions
Zhukovskiy V.P., Skvortsova L.A., Zhukovskaya N.A. Stress management in pedagogic activity: the main directions of organisation. Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics, 2020, vol. 26, № 1, pp. 130-135. DOI 10.34216/2073-1426-2020-26-1-130-135
DOI: 10.34216/2073-1426-2020-26-1-130-135
УДК: 159.9 37.015.3
Publish date: 2020-01-30
Annotation: The article examines issues related to the study of the problem field of the stress phenomenon in pedagogic activity, consideration of the features of its manifestation in the pedagogic environment, the possibilities of organising stress management in the functional space of pedagogic work. Topicality of the research direction outlined in the article is determined by the high social significance of pedagogic activity, which represents a special socio-professional space in which the whole spectrum of social relations, the variety of communicative contacts that are realised at different levels of the organisation of the educational process and with different categories of participants in educational relations are focused , which objectively entails the emergence of situations that can destabilise a pedagogue’s personality, modify the procedural route of pedagogic activity and lead to the emergence and development of stress. A theoretical analysis of scientific research is conducted, devoted to the study of the conceptual space of the stress problem, its essential characteristics, manifestations in the pedagogic environment, factors determining the occurrence of stress among pedagogues, the content of stress management in the functional coordinates of pedagogic activity. Based on the study, a system of principles is defined that sets the guidelines for the substantive-procedural dynamics of stress management, which determines the priority personal and organisational vectors of the anti-stress management trajectory. The contents of the leading areas of stress management in pedagogic activity are disclosed, key organisational and pedagogic tools for their implementation in the pedagogic environment are identified. According to the results of the study, it was found that the organisation of systematic work on stress management in pedagogic activities implemented in an educational organisation, the active integration of pedagogues as key subjects of pedagogic work into its functional and process orbit, is an important factor in increasing the personal and professional success of a pedagogic worker, a necessary condition for the effectiveness of pedagogic activity and the development of the pedagogic environment.
Keywords: pedagogue, pedagogic worker, pedagogic activity, pedagogic environment, stress, professional stress, stress management, principles, directions, organisational and pedagogic tools
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Author's info: Vladimir P. Zhukovskiy, ORCID 0000-0001-5624-7596, Saratov Regional Institute for the Development of Education, Saratov, Russia. E-mail: vl0971@mail.ru
Co-author's info: Larisa A. Skvortsova, ORCID 0000-0003-1350-4614, Gagarin Saratov State Technical University, Saratov, Russia. E-mail: lor7530@yandex.ru
Co-author's info: Nina A. Zhukovskaya, ORCID 0000-0002-1249-9983, Saratov Regional Institute for the Development of Education, Saratov, Russia. E-mail: zhna73@mail.ru