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- Features of the parameters of the psychological safety of a person with a different level of professional time perspective
- Morozova I.S., Medovikova E.A., Kargina A.E. Features of the parameters of the psychological safety of a person with a different level of professional time perspective. Vestnik of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics, 2022, vol. 28, № 1, pp. 92-101. https://doi.org/10.34216/2073-1426-2022-28-1-92-101
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.34216/2073-1426-2022-28-1-92-101
- УДК: 159.9:316.6
- Publish date: 2022-04-16
- Annotation: The article is devoted to the study of the parameters of the psychological safety of the subject of professional activity, taking into account the analysis of the professional time perspective. We complemented ideas about the time perspective of the individual within the professional context. The problem of taking into account the professional time perspective of the future is updated, the essential characteristics of which form the basis for the orientation of the individual in a situation of risk or uncertainty and the search for adequate ways to achieve the goal. It is substantiated that the assessment of the remaining time as a longer period allows focusing on opportunities, which gives reason to consider a person from the position of conscious regulation of activity. The parameters of the psychological safety of a person with a different level of professional time perspective are determined. It is described that respondents with a high level of assessment of the remaining life time are distinguished by a steady tendency towards planning the results of activities, programming ways of behaviour when achieving goals, behaviour stability in a situation of risk or uncertainty, and a high level of awareness in the framework of production activities. It was determined that respondents who assess the remaining life time as a limited period are characterised by a low level of development of ideas about the factors influencing the professional process, inadequacy of the assessment of significant circumstances, the consequences of their own actions, low criticality in relation to their actions and deeds.
- Keywords: individual psychological safety, professional time perspective, remaining individual time, focusing on opportunities, focusing on limitations, efficiency of professional activity, coal mining enterprises employees.
- Funding and acknowledgments: This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project 20-413-420003
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